Likewise. Brake functions on the evidence of one incident,and it seems that every time there's something similar ,there a knee jerk reaction to legalise/test/ legislate .There's several cases of professional footballers causing problems, let's test them every few years, in case their reactions are faulty-
-but if their reactions are dodgy, how come they are still at the top of their game. Then again, we see the insurance industry favouring the older driver over those in mid 20's. Perhaps, we need MOT style testing of drivers in their formative years. My daughter with over ten years NCB, still gets a hefty discount for adding me as named driver on her policy. Perhaps the insurance industry knows something that this lot of amateurs don't .(i was thinking of calling them armatures, as their opinion revolves so often)
Next we hear mention of tests of driving capabilities. like a lot of folks who've adapted to driving vans& commercial vehicles, I've learnt to park/reverse etc on mirrors, but from what I hear, the only approved DVLA test method is looking over shoulder. Then there's the ancient DVLA hands on wheel /gripping the wheel argument, proved by many professionals( including Police class 1) as not the best method of car control . Most of us older drivers, use a mixture, depending on the situation, which we've learnt to adapt to (possibly over more years of driving than the DVLA tester has years), but then the tester is the so called expert.
The basic problem with the knee jerk road "safety" experts is that each one has an axe to grind, but no overall strategy to make the UK roads safer.