1- they make roads safer- try telling that to the old lady in a mobility scooter in Bedworth today.
I've just seen footage on BBC news, and the accident site is close by the site of a speed camera.
2- Prince Phil's accident. Now this hot spot will be monitored by averege speed cameras. Great- that car that hit Phil,might have been going well over the limit, but since it spent a lot of time in the ditch, it's AVERAGE SPEED will be under the limit.
Still no comments from the scamera lot on how the camera in Bedworth FAILED to prevent the fatality, or how the averag cameras will pick up on cars ending up in ditches ,rather than passing through the averag camera area.
Sound like the theme to Fools & Horses( modified) " We'll make roads safer at a stroke- roll on hookey street". More like the ad for a Breakfast cereal " It's ALL about the MONEY, MUMMY"