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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 15:23 
Site Admin
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 06:46
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Location: Safe Speed
Safe Speed has long published a "web site honesty policy". It can always be found on the first page of the web site:

Web site honesty policy:

* We promise to present the facts without misleading presentation.

* Any error of fact will be repaired or removed as soon as possible.

* Opinion should always be immediately recognisable as such.

* We won't ever selectively quote one group of figures while ignoring other related figures that are less favourable.


If you think you have found something wrong, please start a new topic in this forum. You can do this by clicking here. [Since this facility is provided by 'off the shelf' software, simple forum registration is required to post a message. You can register by clicking here. This is an entirely free service.]

If you have found something materially wrong, we will put it right as soon as possible. That's a promise.

Paul Smith
Our scrap speed cameras petition got over 28,000 sigs
The Safe Speed campaign demands a return to intelligent road safety

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 02:54 

Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2004 17:36
Posts: 40
Not wishing to be a pedant but isn't this 'honesty policy' itself a tad disingenuous and misleading?
And ironic, too:
We promise to present the facts without misleading presentation.

suggests that there's a team or collective or plurality of disinterested researchers beavering away to deliver the data, rather than one solitary and un-qualified fanatic crying in the wilderness.
This is misleading presentation: please will you modify your 'Honesty and Accuracy' policy to reflect the truth?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 03:54 
Friend of Safe Speed
Friend of Safe Speed

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suck_my_tailpipe wrote:
Not wishing to be a pedant but isn't this 'honesty policy' itself a tad disingenuous and misleading?
And ironic, too:
We promise to present the facts without misleading presentation.

suggests that there's a team or collective or plurality of disinterested researchers beavering away to deliver the data, rather than one solitary and un-qualified fanatic crying in the wilderness.
This is misleading presentation: please will you modify your 'Honesty and Accuracy' policy to reflect the truth?

Surely you can see that "we" means Safespeed in this context? Pedant or not, you're wrong, mate.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 04:51 
Site Admin
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 06:46
Posts: 16903
Location: Safe Speed
suck_my_tailpipe wrote:
Not wishing to be a pedant but isn't this 'honesty policy' itself a tad disingenuous and misleading?
And ironic, too:
We promise to present the facts without misleading presentation.

suggests that there's a team or collective or plurality of disinterested researchers beavering away to deliver the data, rather than one solitary and un-qualified fanatic crying in the wilderness.
This is misleading presentation: please will you modify your 'Honesty and Accuracy' policy to reflect the truth?

You are already on a final warning. Nevertheless, and since that warning was given a long time ago, I'll give you one more chance. Ad Hominem is banned here so you are once again in violation of forum rules.

You are also wrong. Although never planned as a membership organisation, Safe Speed has around 350 members. And at a guess I'd say that about a dozen people have written material for the web site.

I am about to remove a similar post from another forum because there's no need to ask the same question twice.

Paul Smith
Our scrap speed cameras petition got over 28,000 sigs
The Safe Speed campaign demands a return to intelligent road safety

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 08:13 

Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2004 17:36
Posts: 40
Might I know, then, who the 'signatories' to this corporate promise are?

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