Pratnership wrote:
Well as some of you know I have been on the fence for a long time about SS. However after reading this thread it's clear to me that it's most definately something I do not want to be associated with. Before all your hackels rise, at least look at my points before digging up whatever you can about me, and therefore putting my views into question.
You are free to express your views. We will of course defend anything we / I see as mis-understood or wrong. You have a right to your opinion of course.
Pratnership wrote:
Theres no actual evidence (or rather summary) verified from a decent other source. I don't care what any of you claim, it's not open. ............... No one person can stand up to it, it's simply not possible. And it's not open, since there is no debate, and it's very clear that there isn't. One (perhaps 2) people against many others whom are supporters of such views is not an open debate.
I do not see that, can you point to an example/s. We have many threads where many website topics have been discussed in depth and although I fully appreciate that understandably the vast majority of people here are supporters with fairly similar views, we have always welcomed opposing views and everything inbetween.
Pratnership wrote:
Clearly, anyone whom attempts an opposing view also gets attacked by members. Snide referances, members digging up whatever they can find to discredit them, and that 'ad hominem' term you all so love.....
It's the same old story - someone says they disagree, and then it devolves into an argument of statistics ....
I think we try to have a good balanced allowance for individual expression and retain topic conversation. If a thread is going too much one way or another then let any Mod/ Admin know and we can look in to it immediately.
Pratnership wrote:
What people dont seem to understand on here is that by being on here (and most of you members or at least regulars), you cannot have a valid say on the evidence. Not as the end voice. Because your supporters. And thus will be seen to have bias. Such is the time and effort many of you spend on here, how can anyone think different?
Everyone is invited to comment on every aspect of the website and anything else they care to ask.

Pratnership wrote:
I know of the other few places that agree with SS, but they are not that many, and to be honest, definatly not the be all or end all of decisive opinions or reviews. And do people not understand? Such third parties are given out by SS to back them up - that's not the way it should be for verification! In addition, very few indeed seem to back the entire view of SS. Many only partially conceed points, not the SS claim as a whole.
- no one knows HOW many people agree with us ! Unless a poll of the whole Country was accomplished - frankly! I would welcome a National open debate.

How do you see how the verification 'should be'? I fail to see how any independent 3rd party is anything but a good thing? Sometimes the best plans can have prohibitive costs. many people Only have the time don't forget to verify a single point - that is fine and correct.
Pratnership wrote:
My other main issue is the funding. I did ask about this, and had a reply. But upon looking into what SS has been doing....I am afraid I can't see anything. ...The website has broken links everywhere, theres no evidence of anything having been done - not that I'm saying there hasn't, but this sort of thing should be obvious when theres a big page about donations.
Not actually aware that the donation page is any bigger than many of the others. I do agree that there is a great need and urgency to update the links - sadly I recall Paul being really upset that the dft had changed their website and that instantly made every link fail. I agree this needs updating but in the massive task that I undertook after Paul died, it is still in the to do list.

There are many things to pay for when you run a Campaign like this ... The maintenance, the time & costs that it takes to run the site and forum. The development of the Campaign and so on ... There is much that goes on behind the scenes, and the donations help towards those costs. Paul used to pay for Political Press promotion but I had had to stop that, as there is just not enough to pay for it ... but there is little to show for that anywhere on the site.
The many contacts that I have to keep up with politicians, and others all over the Country and then there is the Press and the day to day running of the Campaign.
There is often little allowance of personal grief in any business, and it does not matter how much we can all try to sweep it under the carpet, it does have a negative effct one's ability to perform - of course. I am slowly doing more and more, and see much more happening before long too.

You obviously (by saying this) have no concept of the task that I took on after Paul died, but also it shows that you care and I thank you for that.
Pratnership wrote:
My personal view is that SS has it all wrong. It should be mainly about road safety, ....
We are entirely about Road Safety, cameras are not about intelligent or genuine road safety in our opinion. How do you mean please?
Pratnership wrote:
The average person will simply never know if SS's claims are true. And can never find out. First is that it's claimed all the information is here. And that anyone can understand it.
First off, that's a lie. And I say lie, because everyone knows that many people won't be able to understand the information presented, as it's not a whole, you constantly have to cross referance with other reports.
I am not sure that the 'average person' ever understand most of what Politicians rule and decide on / upon. Most people do not have the time and money to fully research political decisions - that is what we pay the politicians, and trust them, to do. Because so many 'average people' have become involved with this flawed policy, they are having to look into it as it seems unfair and unjust.
....It is not for us to dumb down facts and figures but to help explain the information supplied. IF you have ANY problem understanding anything, please just ASK - I will be more than happy to go through it in detail - always have been, always will. But I will not reduce facts and figures for the convenience of presenting a 'dumbed down version', that in itself is IMHO insulting to the public as a whole. I'd rather educate and guide by explaining and imparting knowledge. That is not to say, that we will not change anything, far from it, if something that is shown to be unclear or confusing, and can be improved, with the use of additional material or information - then we will of course take this action.
I think you must withdraw your lie accusation, there is no LIE.
Pratnership wrote:
Second, it's a matter of time. And reviewing all the information given, even just on this site is a mammoth task. And this isn't taking into account looking at other sources and checking this information, which is definatly needed of any research.
.... which goes to show by your own admission, how involved and how detailed the site is and how much work has gone into it, to try and help everyone understand every aspect and how it relates and dovetails into every aspect. It also shows the care and depth of research that has been undertaken. Surely you cannot criticise too much research ?
Pratnership wrote:
And if you question anything, you get given counter arguments by many members. Quite often, as said, this devolves into 'whos the most qualified'. This was especially pointless in this thread, since the original question was why not about if the information was accurate, it was to get it verified by something more publically recognised.
.... it IS an open forum - if you wish to hold a private discussion with a few members only, I will be delighted to consider this.
I'd rather concentrate on moving forward than debate past issues.
Reviews are a massive 'time suck' and so any other developments fall by the wayside as the review is worked on. Safe Speed has always been tight on funds and so to put aside active Campaigning, in favour of presenting the materials that are already, in the public domain and published already, and what for - so that a few Universities or College professors can debate an issue? They can at any time study the website and ask any question they so wish ... so it was decided the loss of Campaign, against peer Review did not stack up as a valid best productive output. Don't get me wrong a peer review is nice, but is it cost effective, no. Would it gain respect yes, but how much more than is already in existence - perhaps only a little more in the real world.
Pratnership wrote:
And as correctly pointed out, if the members deem themselves more qualified (which is inevitable, since there are so many, and with all due respect you can claim anything on the internet), then they win any argument.
...Counter arguments can be hard to win when faced with so much in depth understanding and considered analyst from many thought processes. Debating can sometimes leave one's pen short of ability, by true phrase, intention or meaning. This is where the forum medium can let many down, where a face to face meeting might not.
I will be south soon and would be delighted to collate some members and sit with you and others, to see if we can discuss this more directly point by point, perhaps that will help? I welcome new venues and opportunities to spread the word, and to help people understand our viewpoint. By debating we hone our skills too, and verify that all our facts are accurate and correct, and, soon I hope and expect, much more up to date.
Pratnership wrote:
I myself have looked at a lot of the evidence on display, and still cannot decide. I can come up with many reasons why I don't think it's sound, but I find myself with nowhere to discuss them. ...
... fair enough ... OK then let's debate those reasons, I am / we are happy to discuss the points and issues that you have as a concern.
I am sorry that you can see nowhere to discuss them. Do send me a PM or reply with what you would like to see. I was unaware that there is an area/s lacking in subject ... I am always happy to consider and expand ... I try to always keep things fair and on an even playing field, if I or any Mods are failing in that, then please address those issues to me and I will check. Anyone (attacking any other poster) producing Ad hominem will be warned or banned etc - our rules are clear.
Pratnership wrote:
SS will make no ground whatsoever. There does need to be some sort of extra verification of it. Because as it stands, it just looks like a personal view with a few like minded followers. That might seem harsh, but that's how many people view SS.
... maybe some, but I can assure you Safe Speed has a very, very good name for itself and is very well respected. A while back I approved and authorised a whole section of the website to a University for their use on a course and in a report. There are people outside that recommend many sections of the website - it is my failing if that does not come across - I do know full well, that I need to update and launch the new website and so on, and much of this is in development.
I am pleased to see, and thank you for caring so much, that you are taking the trouble to tell us, and making us fully aware of your serious concerns, and I take them on board.
Pratnership wrote:
There needs to be so much more done. If there isn't the time/money, then a rethink has to be done. The only thing that seems to exist is the forum at the moment. Oh, and a mention on the BBC which was far more counter productive than good (I can't remember exactly what, but it was reasonably recent).
... sadly like most things there are not enough hours in the day - I can tell you that I do see much more happening in the future for Safe Speed. I am personally very frustrated that I have not achieved more ... I see many many things that I wish to do. I am always grateful to receive support and ideas, perhaps you would like to impart some of your ideas on how you view this may happen?
Humm I am unaware of any negative BBC mention - care to enlighten me ? Do you recall what program and when ? The BBC are normally very fair towards us and check before anything goes on air - what did you hear ?
Pratnership wrote:
My personal view of SS's claims is that they are very suspect at best. I don't know if they are wrong - I simply don't have the time (and, if I'm honest, knowlage) to research such a thing fully. I just hope you all realise how unreasonable your being - saying you basically cannot trust any other source to varify it, and yet claiming it's right when your all staunch supports of it.
.. Of course, you are quite justified in your stand point. I am not here to persuade every person who visits the forums, I just try to explain our stand point, there is no pressure or propaganda, not hidden agenda or necessity to 'join us'. It is our hope that you will understand and appreciate out valid concerns and glean much more knowledge on this topic, and then make a much better, and well informed decision. We appreciate that this may take time, but we are hear to listen too.
You clearly appreciate the extensive knowledge that we have gone to, to make our case. Dr Linda Mountain and others have verified our findings don't forget. I agree that this needs to be presented more clearly.
I guess as one radio listener stated (approximately) 'I wholeheartedly agree with that lady (myself who had just spoken) and I assume she has her facts straight, but I totally disagree with cameras they are there to just make money'. (BBC Radio Oxford caller to the show.)
I will try to address your other concerns ... soon.