Pratnership wrote:
1. When I first came on here, I got banned. I'm not going into it, since AFAIK, all my posts are there apart from the few which got deleted by mods (I think steve, though I could be wrong).
Now why must you have raised me and only me within that point, huh?
I've just checked. I didn't delete/remove them; nor was it me who suspended you; in fact I had absolutely nothing to do with any of that.
Pratnership wrote:
How can any review be considered advice? Good question. That's exactly why you need more than one source. Your average person cannot do all this research themselves - simply a time matter above all else prevents this. You need multiple reviews, from multiple sources to get some sort of opinion. Simply saying 'Look at this data it means this' isn't conclusive.
In the case of RTTM; there is only one solid source of analysis (Dr Linda Mountain's study). What more could be done? Does the maths need to be done again?
Also, we didn't interpret it; we merely repeated what was stated in the Four Year Evaluation Report.
Pratnership wrote:
About RTTM. I googled Dr Linda Mountian. The second link (check it out , it's easy) mentions she gets a grant of £176,226. So why should I respect the opinion of someone getting a massive grant for research, that's recommended by you?
Is your problem with the grant (not that this campaign had anything to do with that), or who recommended it?
Oddly enough, I recommended the Four Year Evaluation Report, compiled by the folks who were charged with the camera rollout. Either way, both parties are pro-camera. When a group who is in support of something states it's nowhere near as good as it was made out, then you can't help but take notice.
Pratnership wrote:
I need a proper review, by an impartial third party, that gives peoples whom have researched it recommended by themselves, not by someone who is an avid supporter of the campaign.
Linda Mountain's study, oh wait, she took a grant, so that one is ruled out !!
Pratnership wrote:
By nature, every source you give me is suspect due to possible bias.
Well then, what exactly is the point of giving you any reference at all?
Pratnership wrote:
While I want somewhere for an open debate, I need something to go on first, which as I have said over and over, is verification by other sources. not little details either, like RTTM,
How can something that undoes the claims of effectiveness of speed cameras to a substantial degree, be considered a mere "little detail"?
Pratnership wrote:
Theres sarcasm -
That’s right, everything you don’t understand is deliberately done so you don’t understand it.
That was in response to "
Don't understand. I am hazarding a guess that it's deliberatly worded badly.", so my response was quite fair considering what it was following: a wanton attempt at discrediting.
Then I said that others would have instead sought clarification. Then I gave that clarification, without being promted.
Thus far your only response to that was go back a step in the argument, without acknowledging anything else. How circular!
Pratnership wrote:
Yet you persist, you always perists in saying that the person whom disagrees with you doesn't check the facts,
Prove this please! Show that I
always persist in saying that a person whom I disagree with doesn't check the facts.
Hey DCB, about the fallacies: I forgot to tell you that you didn't check your facts!
Oh, I also forgot to tell you that I'm way more qualified than you to review... everything that we've have been debating!Pratnership wrote:
... when the very ones you give are [your opinion, or] cherry picked from your source.
Prove this cherry picking please!
That's a bit rich considering all the tumbleweeds below (you'll see).
Pratnership wrote:
Thus read lots of your arguments before, and links.
As I pointed out, I was never going to follow your arguments, for the reasons given.
So do you or don't you?
Why do you feel you need third party verification if you did follow the arguments and links for yourself (even though you apparently won't)? Did you disagree with them, or did you not understand them? Or are you going to fall back on your "I don't want to discuss it"?
Pratnership wrote:
You continually miss the point that I am asking for third party verification
I didn't miss it, I'm just astounded that you continually miss the much more significant point I have been making: about the comparison of level of scrutiny directed against this campaign against that directed at those who obviously grossly misrepresent and gain advantage from doing so (SCPs). Why aren't folks able to see that when SCP claims were shot down when scrutinised, and that they continue to state the same false claims, whilst deriving a handsome income, while affecting the way we all live? By your own logic, everyone must ignore them, distrust then, and hold them in contempt, yet there is no sign or hint of this.
It's not like I haven't repeatedly, directly prompted you with this.
(I realise I have
Tu Quoqued, but I am also validly highlighting a hypocrisy)
Besides, what's the point when everyone is "suspect due to possible bias"?
I guess we can also rule out anyone who takes a grant, or who is recommended by Safe Speed – right?
So in the case of RTTM, what more could be done? Is that not verified enough?
Then there are the reasonable questions/issues SSV2 raised in order to directly resolve this:
SSV2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
The average person will simply never know if SS's claims are true. And can never find out. First is that it's claimed all the information is here. And that anyone can understand it.
First off, that's a lie.
I think you must withdraw your lie accusation, there is no LIE.
Pratnership, can you give examples substantiating your claim?
SSV2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
Theres no actual evidence (or rather summary) verified from a decent other source. I don't care what any of you claim, it's not open. ............... No one person can stand up to it, it's simply not possible. And it's not open, since there is no debate, and it's very clear that there isn't. One (perhaps 2) people against many others whom are supporters of such views is not an open debate.
I do not see that, can you point to an example/s.
SSV2 wrote:
How do you see how the verification 'should be'?
SSV2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
My personal view is that SS has it all wrong. It should be mainly about road safety, ....
We are entirely about Road Safety, cameras are not about intelligent or genuine road safety in our opinion. How do you mean please?
SSV2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
I myself have looked at a lot of the evidence on display, and still cannot decide. I can come up with many reasons why I don't think it's sound, but I find myself with nowhere to discuss them. ...
... fair enough ... OK then let's debate those reasons,
SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
I have looked at it all and have my own opinions, and also incorperated into that is various other things, like the way members act on this site.
Don't talk in riddles - just tell me straight, please tell me just what you mean but this ?

SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
Pratnership wrote:
you can't be expected to be taken seriously .. if you constantly say other verification sources might scew the self proclaimed results to being wrong.
I have never stated this ... who said this, when and where ... please ?

And you've decided to "bow out"!
You’re all over the place. No, there's obviously more going on here than meets the eye. I think folks have read into the very coincidental timing of the very abrupt change of attitude.