GreenShed wrote:
In this post:
viewtopic.php?p=218097#p218097You claim the following:
(please try and use the quote facility

SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
"It's about time the Police and Council sorted out this horrendous tend of additional pretend cameras.
They have caused deaths and must be stopped.
It is utter folly to claim that a burglar will be put off by a Gatso type camera - when a blue tit is attracted to yellow, since when ? If they were attracted to them then why are there not more trying to nest on or by the real one's ?
For the authorities to show even mild support is extremely wrong as it sets up a dangerous precedent."
GreenShed wrote:
1. Where are your examples of "death by imitation speed camera"?
The example is the case in Hampshire where they had a case of a 'cardboard' camera. The local police thought it a great joke, until one day one of the policeman's daughters travelling along the road crashed and killed herself. The conclusions were that she had braked for the camera only unlike many others she lost control of her car and hit a nearby wall and died. That is totally tragic.
I think the chap should have been held to account. - I will try to find some links for you ...
GreenShed wrote:
2. I do not know whether Blue Tits are attracted to yellow but they may well be. Where is your proof they are not?
the article claimed that he thought they were - he was clearly being glib.
GreenShed wrote:
3. Blue Tits do not nest in real Gatso cameras because they are made of steel and do not have holes big enough to allow the ingress or egress of even the smallest of Blue Tits.
you have proof that they don't nest in metal ? Far more to do with holes than any colour I might hazard a guess !

However I am not interested in any proof either way as this is nothing to do with the Campaign and is pointless to discuss never mind debate.
GreenShed wrote:
4. The authority involved here has supported the use of an imitation Gatso camera, where is your proof that the precedent is causing a danger.
Camera's have many side effects that make driving worse including on centrating on a speed than driving to conditions. The report claim's near misses - it is widely known and reported that people pay less attention at camera sites as they become distracted.
GreenShed wrote:
In line with your policy, show where your proof is or please retract the statements, the statements you have posted do not come over as opinion but do come over as fact.
I always try my very best to know that I have knowledge and can back up what I say, but these are the forums where general chat can happen, it is the website that is the Campaign Honesty Issues to be discussed here.
GreenShed wrote:
If you have any proof then please post it up in support of your postings and I will gladly accept what you have said should the reference be an acceptable source.
I am sure there are appropriate Police reports if you care to go and find a copy they say there was to be one... but I post up a link ...