Botach mate!...........I would NOt be the one to hold you up unnessarily indeed as I have said: my speed is the "same" as yours!
"My" only concern is the damned: limits for me which say that 60mph is the MAX that I can travel and there are scam vans every-where waiting for me to exceed this and give me a £60 ticket where YOU are OK to 70 mph!
I have travelled for 20+ years at up to 110mph (usually 80-90 mph)on the Autobahn towing a caravan for hundreds of miles at a time!...........(Ok, been fined a few times) but NEVER had an accident! ...............
Sorry me old mate, but you'd have to be going some for ME to get in YOUR way!

twisty roads an' all! .......In fact!..............The bloke in front usually holds ME up!!!
BTW! I slow and let plenty people pass me when necessary!.................
AND...........please,...... DO try it sometime, before you critisise! and see how ridiculous the 60 limit is these days.............
With the greatest of respect.....................Draco!
Er! ooh...... Sorry Botach, Just realsed. Of course you don't realise that I visit Scotland often to visit friends there, and indeed my own ancestry is there! also! I'm aware of the "crazy" driving" of the "little old ladies" on those "b" roads and the near "head on's they have" wi' the oncoming traffic!!.....................
Sorry mate, it's all true, a' tll ya' know it's true too, ............don't ya'!