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 Post subject: A82
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 20:36 
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Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 20:15
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Location: Inverness
Firstly I would like to congratulate the originators of the Safe Speed campaign in flying in the face of political correctness by condemning speed cameras.

Secondly to more local issues

I had the misfortune to drive down the A82 the other day from Inverness to Fort William, and I have to say that I was disgusted by some of the driving behaviour! And yes it was to do with speed - or rather lack of it. I know we welcome tourists to the Highlands, but do they all have to consider it mandatory to drive at 35mph or less down Loch Ness side? If they want to monster spot - PULL INTO A LAY-BY! Even if they want to cruise at 30-35mph why don't they pull in and allow the business/commercial/local drivers to pass. Such behaviour inevitably leads to frustration and consequent risky overtaking manoevres and thus accidents. But who is held to blame? - no its not Mr 35mph!!

A few years ago the Northern Constabulary had motorcycle patrols on main roads pulling in such drivers - what happened to them? Surely that would be a far greater contribution to road safety than threatening to place mobile speed cameras on the A82!!

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 Post subject: Re: A82
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 09:59 
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dukespencer wrote:
Firstly I would like to congratulate the originators of the Safe Speed campaign in flying in the face of political correctness by condemning speed cameras.

Secondly to more local issues

I had the misfortune to drive down the A82 the other day from Inverness to Fort William, and I have to say that I was disgusted by some of the driving behaviour! And yes it was to do with speed - or rather lack of it. I know we welcome tourists to the Highlands, but do they all have to consider it mandatory to drive at 35mph or less down Loch Ness side? If they want to monster spot - PULL INTO A LAY-BY! Even if they want to cruise at 30-35mph why don't they pull in and allow the business/commercial/local drivers to pass. Such behaviour inevitably leads to frustration and consequent risky overtaking manoevres and thus accidents. But who is held to blame? - no its not Mr 35mph!!

A few years ago the Northern Constabulary had motorcycle patrols on main roads pulling in such drivers - what happened to them? Surely that would be a far greater contribution to road safety than threatening to place mobile speed cameras on the A82!!

For those that don't know the road, the A82 is a frequently winding good quality A road with some straight sections good for overtaking. The more northern part of the route mentioned runs along the west shore of Loch Ness for about 25 (?) miles. To the south of Loch Ness there are more straight sections. For much of the length is perfectly possible to keep well up around the speed limit (60mph) but some bends are more like 35mph, and a few shorthish village sections (with 30mph speed limit) are more suitable for 20mph.

It's certainly a road I enjoy driving.

Paul Smith
Our scrap speed cameras petition got over 28,000 sigs
The Safe Speed campaign demands a return to intelligent road safety

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 Post subject: Re: A82
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 10:20 

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dukespencer wrote:
If they want to monster spot - PULL INTO A LAY-BY!

Perhaps some signs could be erected to that effect.

Know anyone with property along that road?

By the way we have the same problem in the Yorkshire dales, I'm not sure what the numpties are spotting there, when you've seen one sheep you've seen them all.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 13:31 

Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:36
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Perhaps some signs could be erected to that effect.

One of the most beautiful areas of the country and you want errect MORE signs. Unbelievable! DOH!

btw... signs distract a drivers attention - not good for road safety.
Signs should be kept to a minimum of strictly necessary ones.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 21:53 
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
First of all i would agree with Paul, this road is a good qulity road - i first drove it for work in a morris 1000 van and can say that 60 for most of it is quite possible. Mind you i come from that part of the west coast where two lane road at that time was a luxury.
I have driven this road in all sorts of weather, from bright sunshine to ice and snow, times from mid day to midnight.
However even returning to the north on holiday i find the standard of driving a lot higher than down south - courtesy/ patience all the hallmarks of good driving still exist - first car behind plonker gets a chance to overtake - BUT as of old the "SCENIC GOURMET" still exist - "never mind road safety-lets watch out for monsters and hills". Only one safe place to do that dear - find a laybye.

The only other vehicle to come close to this one is the caravan with a high powered car.
Corners - oooooh dear slooooow, we can't handle this sort of road.
Straights - sod the mirrors, let them behind try and pass - we'll accelerate as fast as possible, then brake hard for the next bend.
You ask why i hate caravans?/ tourists???-

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 03:44 

Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 01:16
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Location: Northern England
Botach Mate, You've obviously not come upon me in your travels, ....................

Yes, I travel fast! And I don't slow down much for corners. I well remember joining the M6 south from Edinburough after car traffic held me up) The ONLY thing to pass me at more than 110 mph was a French Reg. 2CV!!!!!.................UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Caravans............Slow? ...................try it sometime. it's only the bloody stupid speed limit and cameras that holds me up, even the Germans have to get out of MY way!

P.S. I usually cruise at 80 - 90 mph with caravan in tow on the autobahn (with 110 mph perfectly possible) catch me if you can!!!!.........................

Sorry Botach! .................But please blame the damned stupid speed limit here and the "numpty" drivers who "happen" to tow caravans with a 1950's attitude (and

If you do it right.....................there's no problem. You will NOT be held up by ME.

Oh er and Yes! .....I DO let people pass! (if they really can) :)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:20 

Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2005 16:12
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I thought the lower limits for Caravans and trailers where due to the following reasons:

Higher mass and altered weight distribution - stopping is much harder, therefore you should not be going as fast in the first place

Low spec tyres - most tyres fitted to trailers/caravans are not rated for high speed

Aerodynamic instability - especially for caravans, a strong sidewind gust can cause big problems (on the M5 side-wind accidents are quite common).

The problems certainly exist, as one of the few accidents that I have witnesed was on the M25 where a caravan that I had just passed had a blow-out, and literally disintegrated across the 3 lanes of the motorway causing chaos. Have you taken these factors into consideration when selecting your higher towing speeds?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 20:23 
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
Rewolf - that was the description of the perfect caravan - in bits.lying upside down.
One way they get there is when the caravan starts to snake and the car follows it -isn't that caused by speed excessive to the conditions.

Noun for more than one caravan - a plague.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 03:30 

Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 01:16
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Location: Northern England
Sorry guys, ( it's all banter anyway right!) But I 've driven the European Autobahns with a caravan for decades at 80 - 90 mph consistently for THOUSANDS of miles, every year,........................... sure! I've been "fined" a few times , but I,ve NEVER had problem with towing at that speed.

Sorry folks, but those who do NOT tow, should try it for once and realise that the restrictions are as crazy as the 70 mph limit is for cars. Appologies all! :)

peace man!!!!! :)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 21:46 
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 23:26
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
First - to Draco - peace , man, but i'm not talking Autobahn,I'm TAKN UK roads.
I come from a desolate part of the UK - the west highlands where in summer the most annoying thing to be seen was a caravan, acompanied by the southern accent "i don't know how to reverse this lot". *********, call for the police, the Procurator fiscal ( Scottish version of the CPS, who according to one i knew , would love to get one into court, he would order the appropriate sauce for the meaty parts, between the legs, chew and enjoy) -cause this was a single track road - with the signs "SINGLE TRACK ROAD, PLEASE USE PASSING PLACES" - but those from south of Carlisle , And those towing caravans, had a litery defect - the signs meant nothing.
48 miles of single track road - in winter with 18 inches of snow - possibly took 3 hours, with no increase in blood pressure.
IN autumn with no frost and a few leaves - took about 1 hour 45, - a pleasant drive, perhaps a refresher to IAM members on how to drive a road and make sure that you see all hazards ahead and see approaching cars at maximum distance.
In the height of summer, with mr/mrs pratt and caravan about 2hurs 30 min with blood pressure about to burst.
Reason - Mr/mrs prat - , not the caravan, locals had these and learned to drive/reverse etc/etc.
Now you mightjust see why i and a few thousand other highlanders rebel at the sound of someone like you saying "!i'm just towing a caravan" - forget 80 mph - forget 30 mph - on these roads youd be lucky to do 20 --and be a mobile traffic jam.
In a car you'd be a safety hazard at 40 , in a caravan at 80 - please go somewhere else to comit suicide, the scottish roads don't need it - in doubt - ask Ian H

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 03:26 

Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 01:16
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Location: Northern England
Botach mate!...........I would NOt be the one to hold you up unnessarily indeed as I have said: my speed is the "same" as yours!

"My" only concern is the damned: limits for me which say that 60mph is the MAX that I can travel and there are scam vans every-where waiting for me to exceed this and give me a £60 ticket where YOU are OK to 70 mph!

I have travelled for 20+ years at up to 110mph (usually 80-90 mph)on the Autobahn towing a caravan for hundreds of miles at a time!...........(Ok, been fined a few times) but NEVER had an accident! ...............

Sorry me old mate, but you'd have to be going some for ME to get in YOUR way! :) twisty roads an' all! .......In fact!..............The bloke in front usually holds ME up!!!

BTW! I slow and let plenty people pass me when necessary!.................

AND...........please,...... DO try it sometime, before you critisise! and see how ridiculous the 60 limit is these days.............

With the greatest of respect.....................Draco!

Er! ooh...... Sorry Botach, Just realsed. Of course you don't realise that I visit Scotland often to visit friends there, and indeed my own ancestry is there! also! I'm aware of the "crazy" driving" of the "little old ladies" on those "b" roads and the near "head on's they have" wi' the oncoming traffic!!.....................

Sorry mate, it's all true, a' tll ya' know it's true too, ............don't ya'! :lol:

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