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 Post subject: A9
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 23:45 
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In the interests of safety the A9 Perth to Inverness roads requires upgraded to 2 lane dual carriageway in both directions this would cut the number of fatalaties and make the road safer, although this would cost a lot of money to do but if it were to save one life it is my view that it would be well worth the Executive funding such an upgrade

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 Post subject: Re: A9
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 00:26 
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Lift Engineer wrote:
In the interests of safety the A9 Perth to Inverness roads requires upgraded to 2 lane dual carriageway in both directions this would cut the number of fatalaties and make the road safer, although this would cost a lot of money to do but if it were to save one life it is my view that it would be well worth the Executive funding such an upgrade

I'm a frequent user of that road. Although it does have quite high accident numbers, it also carries a very high volume of traffic and the accident rate is quite reasonable. (I can't quote specifics right now, because I don't know where I read the figures).

The idea of spending "millions and millions" (indicating that I have no idea what the cost would be, except for lots) to "save one life" just isn't right - what if those same millions and millions could be spent elsewhere to save ten lives? I think this is closer to reality - the sum required could very likely save more lives elsewhere.

Paul Smith
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 21:32 

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I have used the road quite often and the times I have used it on a weekday it hasn't been too bad. There are plenty of very good sightlines and you can usually plan an overtaking manouver well in advance. What's more the other drivers don't tend to take offence at being overtaken and in many cases actually assist.

On a summer Saturday it seems to be completely nose to tail for the whole length. How anyone ever manages to turn right out of a sideroad is beyond me, perhaps they have learned to just not try.

Any upgrade would be a benefit for one or two days a week, six or eight weeks a year.

A few more bits of dual carriageway would be nice and in theory would make people take fewer risks in between. But having a few short stretches encourages people to "make the most of them" and put their foot down a little further than they might if it was dual the whole length.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 02:11 

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Hello all (first post), being a "Sassenach!" but loving Scotland greatly I've travelled the A9 many times.

it's a great road, is it not? ............speaking as a stranger, I think that the MOST dangerous bits are the minor road junctions and the infrequent; ...................straight bits where the "overtaking" takes place.

No need to change the roads excellent characteristics or it's surroundings in my opinion..

What's needed here is the SAME approach that's given to MOTORWAYS!

ALL junctions need to access and exit from the left.......for starters! Do this and many lives will be saved for a fraction of the cost of making it all dual carriageway. No need to re-engineer this fantastic road per se' ........... just treat it as a "high speed road from the the start" Oh! and that includes those erroded white lines that NEVER seem to be repainted and the cats-eyes that are NEVER replaced on what is an unlit winding road at night!

And the; Straight bits?.............well, in France, the "suicide" lane approach seems to work quite well. No-one.......... but no-one........ overtakes on a solid white line. ......Allow controlled overtaking at selected sites and the road will be safer, instead we seem to get only "safety cameras" at these points to catch overtaking "speeders" (shakes-head) I despair of these cretins.

Have cameras for those that OVERTAKE when they shouldn't by all means!.............but NOT for SPEED!

But the truth is: That people are being "flashed" for overtaking at the Safest point!........................I despair!.........................

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 06:20 

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Draco wrote:
ALL junctions need to access and exit from the left.......for starters! Do this and many lives will be saved for a fraction of the cost of making it all dual carriageway. No need to re-engineer this fantastic road per se' ........... just treat it as a "high speed road from the the start"

Good point.

The term you are looking for is grade separated junctions.

It's one of the things I came across in Spain which struck me as a good idea. A fast single carriageway with grade separated junctions and occasional overtaking lanes. Taffic was flowing very well despite the town it bypassed being almost at gridlock. And it wasn't a toll road.

The nearest I have seen in the UK would be the Stocksbridge bypass near Sheffield. Which unfortunately has a horrendous accident record, mainly centred around the few right turns.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 09:37 
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A common place for accidents on this road seems to be at the Pitlochry junctions , and, not in any way wanting to offend anybody, seem to involve foriegn tourists .

What do they do to address this .... you guessed it Gatsos on both sides of the road, so at least when said driver pulls out in front of an oncoming car because they're looking down the wrong carrigeway, the resulting crash STILL happens , just slower!!!

I remember a few years ago an entire family was killed due to the exact circumstances I've just described.

It makes my blood run cold wondering if perhaps the driver on the A9 was checking his speedo at the time ............ :(

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 02:29 

Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 01:16
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Yes all (apologies for the delay in replying). But, Yes, even single carriageway roads like the A9 (in places) SHOULD be regarded and treated and engineered for the speed anticipated, i.e. an "high speed" road! Anything less is a "get out" of local authorities responibilities"

That means that "dangerous junctions" should be ........"engineered out", either by over or underpass to alleviate the problem at the well known sites of accidents where let's face it: both locals AND visitors (under threat of unmarked cars) may be driving slower than the natural flow of the road.

Locals, please don't forget that the "non- locals" don't know where the speed traps/ unmarked cars operate and are ...........unduly wary. After all.......thare are enough signs on this road to frighten a saint!!!

let's hope that they will realise that the real problem on the A9 is "road engineering" for the speed of the road, Not....the SPEED of the cars........per se.

Edit: Please note all. That this MY opinion(being a stranger there) of the road and those that drive it, I have NEVER had a problem with anyone on this road road despite towing!!!!!! on occassion. (sorry folks). :oops:

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