SafeSpeed wrote:
HeadOfTheQueue wrote:
Can we be clear here?
Are you saying that if a driver elects to travel from A to B on a 60MPH limited road at (say) 75MPH that he or she should expect that other drivers who elect to obey the law should ensure that they make every effort to facilitate the unobstructed progress of the faster car?
It is the responsibility of the faster car to wait for a safe opportunity to pass - I for one would be delighted if that safer stretch harboured a speed camera...
You are changing the rules somewhat as we go along - that's fine - but there are now several parts to the answer.
Firstly, it is simple common courtesy to assist other drivers in what they are trying to do. If you are being followed by a single car I wouldn't expect you to "dive out of the way" or pull over at the first opportunity, but I would expect any good driver to co-operate with overtaking traffic when possible. This co-operation would include keeping left if an over taking opportuinty arose, using main beam headlights at night to improve the view of the vehicle behind (assuming no risk of dazzle obviously), and probably easing off if overtaking commenced.
Secondly, this is not the same as holding up a queue of increasingly frustrated drivers.
Thirdly, if a driver behind appears to be becoming frustrated or aggressive, or if you are being tailgated, then get out of the way as soon as possible and let him have his accident elsewhere. It is absolutely not in your interests to prolong the risk to yourself, your vehicle and your passengers by keeping him close behind.
Finally, I certainly do not recommend that you concern yourself with other's apparent intention to break the law. That is entirely their responsibility.
This kind of advice is all very nice, but when people start to act by themselves and driving for others assuming the following driver knows exactly what you are doing and what is going through your mind, thats when problems arise. Unless this is within the highway code and the teaching process of every new driver the it can cause confusion. If I see a veh ahead of me that I wish to pass and suddenly it moved over to the side I wouldnt assume 'oh here is a driver who is letting me pass' no I would be more cautious thinking is he drunk, whats he about to do why has he just put his full beam on? I see more of the latter from confused motorists than the competent. I want to see someone driving correctly in accordance with the rules and the teaching practice, if I wish to pass, I will, when I choose as it is entirely my choice and responsibility. Going back to the point about the lights...doing that can lead to a you drive along at night someone comes up behind and you decide to move over and put full beam on...........ahead of you is slight brow of a hill and the glow from oncomming veh lights can no longer be seen because of the reflective glare of your full beam, something that might be seen if you had not done that. Correct use of headlights is important, people should really get used to dipping headlights at night aproaching bend or brow of hill momentarily before resuming full beam as lights from oncomming vehs can be spotted more clearly and much earlier, the glare of your own full beam can restrict this. Likewise people who drive all the time on dip beam are failing to use lights correctly and give them a better view of road ahead. The only requirement should be that you drive correctly and do not speed up when being overtaken, when you change the way you drive to be helpful, sometimes its not. the only way to be courtious to other road users is to follow the highway code and law and not make up rules and practices of your own no matter how nice they may seem. I came up behind a chap in a truck once, he was pottering along at 35 to 40, the limit for truck was 40 and I was stopping at the next layby anyway which was about 4 miles. I stayed well back from this chap and just accepted it, however he decided that he should let me passed...over the next 4 miles I was down to nearly 30 most of the time, a queue was building, he ended up going on the grass verge twice , indicating twice.....when reached layby, he pulled in too, huge queue of traffic passed blasting horns as you might expect, as the old boy couldnt get going strait away I took the oportunity to go ask him if anything was wrong. I said are you ok "Bugger off, next time I wont bother letting you pass, your bloody ignorant."came his reply.
Before I could explain what he had just caused he was off in a huff. To him who chose to make his own highway code up, I was a tosser in a truck and he was mr courtious. Now lets recap...he was guilty of speed minus/drifting about in the road/mounting the verge/causing an inconvenience to others/inapropriate or ambiguous signals/gesticulating to other road users and finally agressive to another road user. All from his persuit of what he probably saw as courtious driving.