HeadOfTheQueue wrote:
For what it is worth, I have no problem with speed cameras given that I always stick to the speed limits - my problem is with the standards of driving in the Highlands.
Given that I am one of a very small minority who do actually observe the limits, I am sick to death being tailgated (and overtaken) even within 30MPH zones by dummies who believe that limits are for other drivers. I was driving south last week one evening at my standard 60MPH and by the time I got to Carr-bridge I was posing a serious risk to traffic in that I was at the head of a 9 car procession where 8 of the cars were clearly suffering from frustration. Although the signs says. 'Frustration Causes Accidents', my attitude is 'sod em all' and if they want to do 70+ MPH then I ain't going to help them.
If cameras generate a huge number of pounds in revenues then it can only be because there are huge numbers of drivers who put themselves in the frame to be caught.
The debate on this site is not about speed cameras, safety or tax raising by another name but is simply a bunch of drivers who want to drive at speeds which they consider safe, You either have speed limits and enforce them or scrap them and have a free for all. What does this group want - is it to have limits raised or have them scrapped?
Having said all that, I have to confess to nudging 70MPH on occasions whilst going west at the crack of dawn on roads deserted bar a few stags. Even then, I know that if I am caught it is my decisions and my fault and that there is no excuse.
Heck theres a few contradictions in this guys arguments, and id say a dash of dishonesty and hypocrisy too!
Head of the queue wrote:
For what it is worth, I have no problem with speed cameras given that I always stick to the speed limits
Then he says:
head of the queue wrote:
Given that I am one of a very small minority who do actually observe the limits
And after that he says:
head of the queue wrote:
(3) I sometines exceed the speed limit on open roads if and when there is no other traffic, when the roads are quiet (usually early in the morning).
Some time in between
another dubious character wrote:
I think the arguments put forward are quite reasonable. Get off your high horse and stop this sensitivity towards those who dont agree with you.
All of the above gave me a right giggle. Here we have an individual who is the antichrist of good driving practices, but better than that a supposed camera partnership manager (which one? ) agrees with his statements.