Yes all (apologies for the delay in replying). But, Yes, even single carriageway roads like the A9 (in places) SHOULD be regarded and treated and engineered for the speed anticipated, i.e. an "high speed" road! Anything less is a "get out" of local authorities responibilities"
That means that "dangerous junctions" should be ........"engineered out", either by over or underpass to alleviate the problem at the well known sites of accidents where let's face it: both locals AND visitors (under threat of unmarked cars) may be driving slower than the natural flow of the road.
Locals, please don't forget that the "non- locals" don't know where the speed traps/ unmarked cars operate and are ...........unduly wary. After all.......thare are enough signs on this road to frighten a saint!!!
let's hope that they will realise that the real problem on the A9 is "road engineering" for the speed of the road, Not....the SPEED of the cars........per se.
Edit: Please note all. That this MY opinion(being a stranger there) of the road and those that drive it, I have NEVER had a problem with anyone on this road road despite towing!!!!!! on occassion. (sorry folks).