I've heard today that the Northern Constabulary Camera Partnership has started up. I issued the following press release:
PRL101: A Very Black Day for Highlands Road Safety
News: For immediate release.
Apparently the Northern Constabulary and the Highland Council have
abandoned the methods that they have used with great success to
maintain and improve Highlands road safety and have instead decided to
distract drivers with discredited speed cameras operated under the
discredited camera partnership scheme.
The government has long been attempting to persuade the public that
speed cameras are a good idea, but the results are terrible. The long
established beneficial trend in the national fatal accident rate has
been destroyed, and recent figures actually reveal that this most
important road safety indicator has actually gone into reverse - for
the first time in the history of UK motoring.
Deaths are up nationally, and deaths are up much more in those areas
where most camera tickets are issued.
Paul Smith, Founder of the Safe Speed road safety campaign comments:
"The Northern Constabulary have had an absolutely excellent road
safety record and today they are throwing it away. I predict that road
deaths will rise just as they do wherever and whenever road safety is
delegated to robots."
Paul continues: "Government figures purporting to show a safety
benefit 'at speed camera sites' are fraudulent and entirely depend on
a well known statistical error."
In a recent report, Professor Mervyn Stone said: "The 'roll out' of
safety cameras by separate Safety Partnerships was initiated by DoT.
Its management was placed in the hands of the private sector company
PA Consulting Group. This "cost recovery" program has failed except
for the HMT requirement that it should be self-financing. There has
been a failure to design the program so that it would provide the
information needed to evaluate alternative ways of getting the
benefits of speed camera enforcement. The emphasis on political
acceptability has led the program down a cul de sac in which essential
public trust has been lost. The mistakes already made should be openly
recognised, and the program should be subjected to a root and branch
Paul explains: "These cameras alter drivers safety priorities and give
out an entirely false message about the safety of speeds within the
speed limit. Neither the government nor the speed camera proponents
have investigated the wide range of negative side effects - but I
have. And the news is very bad indeed. Speed cameras are killing us."
You can contact Safe Speed via the web site:
http://www.safespeed.org.uk or by telephone on 01862 832000.
Notes for editors
Safe Speed PR:
Professors agree speed camera report is fraudulent
Safe Speed PR:
Bad Policy Increases Road Death
Safe Speed PR:
Deaths Up in High Camera Areas
Full information on "The Stone Report" at
The main points of the Safe Speed arguments (with full references):
They want war? They got it.