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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 21:14 
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This ist what I think Tom might find of interest .. along with all others :wink:

This was in Motor section of Austrian paper./. und also in their version of Autocar/Autoexpress :wink:

Erstmals in der EU müssen Pkw Fußgängerschutz in der Entwicklung berücksichtigen. Ab 2012 auch schwere SUV.
Grünes Licht in der EU für eine Verbesserung des Fußgängerschutzes.

Gehen ist gesund, künftig soll es auch sicher werden. Denn noch immer zählen Fußgänger in Österreich wie in den meisten EU-Länder zur zweitgrößten Risikogruppe (siehe unten) in der Unfallstatistik.

Pedestrians are second most vulnerable on Austria's roads. :roll:

In line with rest of EU.. :roll:

Neben Verbesserungen beim Verhalten der Verkehrsteilnehmer – Fußgänger wie Fahrzeuglenker – sowie bei der Gestaltung der Infrastruktur, soll auch die Autoindustrie stärker zum Fußgängerschutz beitragen, so das EU-Ziel. "Zum ersten Mal seit Jahren wurde ein kompletter Satz neuer gesetzlicher Vorschriften erfasst", so Thomas Kinsky von Opel auf dem Aachener Kolloquium "Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik".

» Hintergrund: Vom Fortschritt überrollt
Der Fußgängerschutz gliedert sich in zwei Phasen. Die erste begann 2005, die zweite sollte 2010 folgen. Damit will die EU das Verletzungsrisiko von Fußgängern bei einem Aufprall auf ein Auto senken. Dabei gibt es drei "Krisenregionen": Kopf, Oberschenkel, Unterschenkel.

Motor industry engaged in research .. head .. upper torso.. lower limbs are the key areas.

Well .. it not exactly rockety science :poporn: to deduce this.

Ein Kopfaufprall lässt sich mildern, indem scharfe Kanten verschwinden, mehr "Luft" zwischen Motorhaube und Motorblock geschaffen wird. Weichere Stoßfänger senken das Risiko für Fuß- und Schienbeinverletzungen. Die Gestaltung der Fahrzeugfront dagegen beeinflusst die Gefährdung im Oberschenkelbereich.

But they working on how to reduce impact in case of a collision :popcorn:

Vor allem gegen diesen Punkt lief die Autoindustrie Sturm. Nicht nur die europäische, sondern auch die koreanische und japanische, die zusammen an weltweit einheitlichen Fußgängerschutzrichtlinien arbeiten.

Hauptkritikpunkt der Industrie: Vor allem die Verschärfung in der Phase II würde die Fahrzeugfront um 20 bis 30 cm höher und den Vorderbau insgesamt länger machen, was jeder Verbesserung der Aerodynamik und somit des Klimaschutzes diametral entgegenlaufe.

Viel mehr könne durch eine bessere Unfallvermeidung, durch "aktive" Sicherheit erreicht werden, indem etwa Autos besser bremsen und so die Aufprallgeschwindigkeit gesenkt wird.

Besides aerodynamic design und better crumple zones around the bonnet/engine bay.. they looking at brakes big time. They at least seem to acknowledge cars brake faster than the old Beetles, Poplars, Morris Mogs und Anglias of 1960. :popcorn:


» Analyse: Fußgänger: Zweitgrößte Opfergruppe
Die ist tatsächlich entscheidend, wie auch das EU-Forschungsprojekt "Aprosys" zeigt. Die alte Faustregel der Unfallforscher heißt: Bis 40 km/h Aufprallgeschwindigkeit sind die Überlebenschancen ziemlich gut, da der Fußgänger nach vorne oder zur Seite geschleudert wird. Bei mehr als 40 km/h dagegen wird der Fußgänger meist über das Fahrzeug katapultiert und prallt hinter dem Auto auf die Straße auf, wo die Gefahr extrem groß ist, dass er vom nächsten Fahrzeug überrollt wird.

Up to 40 km/h... about 25 mph.. it seem the pedestrian not thrown into air. Above this .. they are saying that the pedestrian ist thrown but run over by the car behind it

Now this put a slightly different slant on things as which driver caused the death or the injury :? :? :? :popcorn:

I focus on the bit I place in italics. I was going to just provide a mere comment .. but it prove to have some bones to gnaw over .. :wink:

Do discuss this point. I think rather interesting comment somehow :popcorn:

Laut Studie hängt das Verletzungsrisiko aber auch deutlich davon ab, ob der Fußgänger mittig auf die Fahrzeugfront auftrifft oder seitlich, was deutlich besser für ihn ist. Grundsätzlich errechneten die Forscher, dass bis 27 km/h Aufprallgeschwindigkeit das Verletzungsrisiko für den Kopf gering bleibt, ab 49 km/h dagegen fatal ist.

So hit on head at 20 mph .. you might just survive it. Above this und around 30 mph.. head injury can be fatal.


It does depend where the head get hit or how thin the skull bone ist. Sometimes we not know until accidental bump on head. I have always been careful with the kittens und any slight bang to their heads ..

It really why I favour a polystyrene helmet when cycling as any protection better than none.. :popcorn: That my own stance und I will not ever be dissuaded to discard my helmet :wink:


Können Lenker schneller bremsen, weil ihr Druck aufs Bremspedal durch einen Bremsassistenten optimiert wird, dann ist dies gerade in Ortsgebieten, wo die meisten Fußgängerunfälle passieren, ein enormer Fortschritt. Dies bestätigen auch Unfallanalysen, sagt Rodolfo Schöneburg, Leiter der Passiven Sicherheit bei Mercedes, wo seit Jahren Bremsassistenten in Serie sind. Laut EU-Kommission ergibt die Kombination des Bremsassistenten mit bereits geltenden Regeln einen um 80 % höheren Schutz als bisher.

R&D at Mercedes ist looking at sharpening up the braking even further as this help. So.,,, it mean these cars pull up faster .. whic we establish when we test my old Jag v my new one und Ted's 2 year old Jag against his brother's 2 month old one. :popcorn: The new Jags are just that bit sharper. Vauxhall Vectra 2006 model performed just as competently v a 1990 Cavalier und a 1997 Vectra. :popcorn: on track.

Our classics.. Moggies.. Minis .. Herald.. Dolly 2k/dolly sprint.. Stag und some Austins und a 1950 Merc v a Ford Zodiac v a 70s Capri all slid a little further und were very much in line with current Highway Code :popcorn: The modern cars WERE much tighter und we tested all with the same drivers so as we could be sure on this. It was a family track day thing und NOT UNDER REAL LAB CONDITION as such though :popcorn: But IG und his brother und father are pretty well consistent as are Siegli und Joachim (cousins und identical twins :popcron:)

Langfristig heißt das Ziel aber Unfallvermeidung. Schöneburg: "Der vermiedene Unfall ist auch für Fußgänger der beste."

But in this we get to the NUB of my chosen title. After all this research.. they conclude avoiding accident in first place to be best practice und policy :popcorn: Und avoiding ist the long term aim.. which bring us back to C O A S T again :popcorn: in reality .. :popcorn:

Die EU will nun ihre bisherigen Beschlüsse für Phase II adaptieren. In Kraft treten sollen sie jedoch erst 2012 statt 2010. Dafür könnte die neue Fußgängerschutzrichtlinie der erste weltweit einheitliche Sicherheitsstandard werden, so Schöneburg. Auch die USA wollen sich anschließen. Die Vereinheitlichung hat für Fußgänger einen weiteren Vorteil: Auch SUV und Pick-ups mit mehr als 2,5 t Gewicht müssen ab 2012 diesen Schutz bieten. Bisher war dies nur in Japan so, nicht aber in der EU.

4x4 are about to be completely re-designed so as not to be so "dangerous".. und ist the height of these things.. which are driven by bimbo mumpties mostly.. which probably make them so :censored: dangerous really.


Tom.. Do read und do pass comment on the article. I hope it useful to your book too.

Safespeed .. Paulie und his lovely Claire whom I speak to on phone .. und who met an in-law .. they into road safety big time und Paulie .. like us .. see the problems in automated policing. It no solution. It not cop the real baddies.. it create manipulation.. it also tempt outraged angry folk to fibble und get into serious bother if caught out.. und this type behave contrary to normal law abiding behaviour in reality.

Meanwhile .. deaths continue.. SI continue .. but the authorities spin und delude und deceive themselves as well as those facing the real world as ist out there. :roll:

But not matter what the research.. it come back to manners.. responsibility und COAST no matter what ,.. und this ist what prevent accidents occurring really :wink:

Nicht ganz im Lot!
Ich setze mich immer wieder in die Nesseln! Der Mad Doc ist mein Mann! Und ich benutzte seinen PC!

UND OUR SMILEYS? Smile ... und the the world smiles with you.
Smiley guy seen when you read
Fine me for Safe Speed
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Greatest love & Greatest Achievements Require Greatest Risk
But if you lose the driving plan - don't lose the COAST lesson.
Je ne regrette rien

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 02:32 

Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:54
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looks interesting and I'll get back to it as soon as I can.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 08:58 
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Cheers Tom

I also put up German stats - based on figures Jan-Oct 07 as they not yet collated Nov/Dec to add. These are provisional results. Apart from motorways appearing safer per the PIN index -- they recording increases overall. Reductions in the East look impressive.. but this reducing already sky-high tragedy.

Not cams really. The German test now filtering through the population.. less Trabis etc on their roads :yikes: They also re-engineering/re-surfacing this network still - which take time after 50 years of complete neglect. Germany not saying cams have helped .. but they are looking closely at tweeking their test upwards .. increasing the probationary period .. making it longer in duration .. und looking closely at further training for "nowty drivers" :wink:

I have put in the links .. they are all in foreign lingo as they from the sites und press of those countries. I have not found them on English internet news site so far .. :popcorn: But I have more or less given gist in English. You may also find these of interest for your research und comments.



x x x

Nicht ganz im Lot!
Ich setze mich immer wieder in die Nesseln! Der Mad Doc ist mein Mann! Und ich benutzte seinen PC!

UND OUR SMILEYS? Smile ... und the the world smiles with you.
Smiley guy seen when you read
Fine me for Safe Speed
(& other good causes..)

Greatest love & Greatest Achievements Require Greatest Risk
But if you lose the driving plan - don't lose the COAST lesson.
Je ne regrette rien

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 22:22 
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WildCat wrote:
Up to 40 km/h... about 25 mph.. it seem the pedestrian not thrown into air.

Does this perhaps imply that below 25mph the pedestrian is likely to be thrown to the ground - and end up underneath the car?

Only when ideology, prejudice and dogma are set aside does the truth emerge - Kepler

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 23:08 
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Pete317 wrote:
WildCat wrote:
Up to 40 km/h... about 25 mph.. it seem the pedestrian not thrown into air.

Does this perhaps imply that below 25mph the pedestrian is likely to be thrown to the ground - and end up underneath the car?

It rather worrying. I report that motor industry ist looking at all possiblity to make their product reduce the dangers from the PR released. I am amazed I have not seen this in UK version of motor mags .. with reader comments which are mostest of validity to me... unt the reality of life. :popcorn:

I would say all out there being aware.. responsible.. reducing the danger around by applying COAST ist right way./

You know it so odd. .. but we always come back to COAST as my cousin IG define it to be. :popcorn: I can only equate this to Durham und N Yorks superb policing to have deep cut impact on all crimes too :bow:

I do not think .. I KNOW ..just KNOW .. it right to thrust COAST down throats here. :popcorn:

Nicht ganz im Lot!
Ich setze mich immer wieder in die Nesseln! Der Mad Doc ist mein Mann! Und ich benutzte seinen PC!

UND OUR SMILEYS? Smile ... und the the world smiles with you.
Smiley guy seen when you read
Fine me for Safe Speed
(& other good causes..)

Greatest love & Greatest Achievements Require Greatest Risk
But if you lose the driving plan - don't lose the COAST lesson.
Je ne regrette rien

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 04:04 

Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 17:12
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Location: Borough of Queens, NYC, NY USA
pete317 wrote:
Does this perhaps imply that below 25mph the pedestrian is likely to be thrown to the ground - and end up underneath the car?
More likely, the victim will wind up hitting the pavement in front of the car that struck him, after a brief 'respite' on the hood or windshield of the car that struck him.

Hoever, with a so-called SUV, the greater height of its bonnet might prevent the victim's momentum from resting atop the bonnet. Coupled with its greater ground clearance, winding up underneath the car is more likely.

I wholeheartedly support C.O.A.S.T. However, I don't think that's enough.

About twenty miles from where I work, is what was once known as the 'Boulevard of Death', or more appropriately, Queens Blvd. Pedestrains (mostly foreign-born children and older women) were getting struck with a frequency not reported on in my lifetime (every neighborhood QB runs through looks like a Benetton ad campaign).

In what many originally thought was the most bassackward idea, then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani basically made 'jaywalking' much more difficult and inconvenient, with fencing designed to encourage anyone who isn't a freerunner to cross at the crosswalks.

He also activated an aggressive crackdown on jaywalking which netted 6,000 summonses in six months; the summonses could only be answered by personal appearance.
(My nephew used to brag about how many times he'd get caught jaywalking, but escaped a J-ticket each week; 28 was his record. More importantly, he has never been succesfully served a summons. Most importantly, I taught him how to cross the street AT Queens Boulevard about a decade prior.)

Largely by making pedestrians more responsible for their own safety, pedestrian deaths dropped from two to three figures per year in the nineties, to one to two figure[s] yearly in the naughties.

If we'd had something like the Green Cross Code, would jaywalking tickets even be neccesary?

The Rules for ALL ROAD USERS:
1) No one gets hurt
2) Nothing gets hit, except to protect others; see Rule#1
3) The Laws of Physics are invincible and immutable - so-called 'laws' of men are not
4) You are always immediately and ultimately responsible for your safety first, then proximately responsible for everyone's
Do not let other road users' mistakes become yours, nor yours become others
5) The rest, including laws of the land, is thoughtful observation, prescience, etiquette, decorum, and cooperation

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 04:16 

Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 17:12
Posts: 618
Location: Borough of Queens, NYC, NY USA
Or are they just plain stupid?
Rayxt wrote:
Wear a hoodie. Ipod blasting, experiencing virtual reality.
Step off the kerb without looking to the left (or right in the UK).
No problems in London - you have rights!

The right to be STUPID. The right to die!

Cycle past any school you care to before opening time and you can count any number of kids and parents stepping off the kerb without a thought in their head about what's coming.

Why? Because they hear nothing.
They never thought there could be an electric car. Or a hybrid. Or some cyclist who will come off worst if they walk under his wheels.

Don't schools teach kids road safety?
Or are people just so stupid they don't think about the environment they're in?

Count how many pedestrians you see in a week step off without looking. Or are halfway into the street before suddenly they realise where they're at, and the next London bus they see might be from under its wheels. Post the results.

And let's see just how stupid pedestrians are in cities around the world.
I understand how he feels, as a driver, as the uncle of a bicyclist (my younger nephew), and as a pedestrian who learned to cross the street at Queens Boulevard, and later taught his first nephew there to do the same.

Just because you don't need a license to be a pedestrian ...

The Rules for ALL ROAD USERS:
1) No one gets hurt
2) Nothing gets hit, except to protect others; see Rule#1
3) The Laws of Physics are invincible and immutable - so-called 'laws' of men are not
4) You are always immediately and ultimately responsible for your safety first, then proximately responsible for everyone's
Do not let other road users' mistakes become yours, nor yours become others
5) The rest, including laws of the land, is thoughtful observation, prescience, etiquette, decorum, and cooperation

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