graball wrote:
What's lacking in driver training is the fact that the only thing that seems to get hammered home is "speed kills" and sticking to a speed limit is the be all and end all of road safety....the people I hear bleating on about tailgating mostly, are women and yet the people I see travelling far too close daily guessed it...women! Virtually no-one seems capable of indicating correctly, if at all, these days, either and the number of near misses i see on mini roundabouts because of this is unbelievable.
I also see it on larger roundabouts( wrong indicating ,i mean). Cars going round with left indicator on . There was a jokey piece on an attachment to BMWs called Bellendtronic in Sniff Petrol some time ago .i fear it's become standard on a lot of cars ( particularly kiddie mobiles)
"With the launch of the acclaimed new 3-series, BMW has also revealed details of a sophisticated new electronics package that is aimed straight at the new car's core market. Dubbed Bellendtronic, the new system is fully integrated into the car's control systems and allows a range of functions including full disablement of the indicators, perilously late activation of the brakes and an adapted radar cruise control that allows the driver to sit 4mm from your back bumper in the outside lane of the M6."