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 Post subject: It'll never happen
PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 00:09 
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 23:26
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
So said our resident Troll.
Now we have

Should cyclists have to take a riding test?

A new offence of "death by dangerous cycling" could be introduced as part of a review into cycle safety. So should cyclists also have to take a test before riding on UK roads?
A new offence of "death by dangerous cycling" could be introduced as part of a review into cycle safety. So should cyclists also have to take a test before riding on UK roads?

Transport Minister Jesse Norman said it was "only right" to consider imposing strict laws on cyclists, following the death of pedestrian Kim Briggs, who was struck by cyclist while crossing the road.

Charlie Alliston, who killed Mrs Briggs while riding a bike with no front brakes, was convicted under a Victorian law.

Although many more people are killed by drivers each year than cyclists, two pedestrians died and 96 were seriously injured after being hit by a bicycle in 2015.

Currently, anyone can pedal on UK roads, whether or not they have passed a cycling proficiency - the riding skills test renamed as Bikeability in 2007.

So is a "riding licence" the answer?

"People are more likely to die during a mile of walking than a mile of cycling, so does this mean we also need a pedestrian test?" says Roger Geffen, Cycling UK's campaigns director.

He argues attempts to force cyclists to do anything - such as bicycle helmet laws in Australia and New Zealand - have led to a drop in cycling.

"Let's not put barriers in the way," he says. "The benefits of cycling are huge."

And he believes a generation of adults - generally those in their mid-twenties and older - have "lost out" on learning basic cycle skills because it was simply not offered to them during childhood.

"For a number of years training wasn't available," he says.

"Cycling proficiency was around during the 1990s but it was patchy because it was run by local authorities."

I'd suggest the public are getting sick of the antics of rogue cyclists- I know I am .
Yesterday - I met a car parking, and stopped to let the driver continue with out problems from me. But not from the cyclist who almost collided with my car attempting to get through a space just wide enough for a cycle . I'd seen the hazard, but not idiot on cycle.
( I'll qualify this) - I'd seen this one on a side road, cycling without any hands on handlebars, whilst texting, and when I turned right, kept an eye open for him. He'd kept up & overtaken me as I drove down a street littered with hazards, and when I stopped to wonder what parker was doing, just kept straiggt on into a gap he'd got problems with/.
Today- similar situation- what I'd suggest was a new driver attempting to park. I stopped short to give the parker a bit of breathing space, as did the car comng round corner, and meeting this one on the other side of the road. Then we saw two cyclists deciding to pass me on bth sides and nearly get taken out by the car coming round corner. Great joke. Or so they thought.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject: Re: It'll never happen
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:23 
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:gatso2: Licensing, registration, testing and a requirement for cyclists to carry insurance?

Bring it on! Believe me, it's long overdue. In addition, what I want is amendments to be made in the Highway Code. Under "Rules for Cyclists", a lot of the "You should" could be changed to "YOU MUST", certainly in terms of hi-vis gear and helmets. Up to now, I have quite a few images on dashcam of what I like to call "Ninja Cyclists". Black clothing, no lights, no reflectors, no hi-vis gear, no helmets and no road sense while out cycling at night.

To date, I've had three arguments with pavement cyclists. They don't like it when I quote Rule 64 of the Highway Code, and I tell them, "Get that bike off the pavement. You're breaking the law!" I would stress, I've missed being knocked down by pavement cyclists a number of times.

I spotted a poster in my workplace inviting cyclists to participate in a cycle registration scheme, organised by the PSNI, to guard against bike theft. If the PSNI can have such a scheme in place, then the basis is there for licensing and registration of cyclists.

bikeprocposter2.jpg [54.61 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Anyone who tells you that nothing is impossible has never bathed in a saucer of water.
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 Post subject: Re: It'll never happen
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 23:10 
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
And there is the problem. HOW many of us drivers were at one time keen cyclists, and that is where we picked up our safety on the road awareness. The problem ,IMHO, is not cyclists, but cyclists behaving badly. Possibly as the rogue ones feel that they are undetectable and therefore untraceable, and therefore unaccountable. Especially as the enforcement brigade brought in to table the problem ( PCSO) have been used to fill the PC gap.
CJG- the system is there-it just requires a cycle version of BRAKE ( and the will) to get it off the ground. Perhaps the relatives of the person mowed down by the cyclist might just make it happen.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject: Re: It'll never happen
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 21:40 
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 21:15
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botach wrote:
The problem ,IMHO, is not cyclists, but cyclists behaving badly. Possibly as the rogue ones feel that they are undetectable and therefore untraceable, and therefore unaccountable.

:gatso2: What I read into that is the number of cyclists who regard cycling as a "sport". Those same cyclists take their sport onto public roads and footpaths. It's their mindset - "Ooooh, look at meee. I'm Sir Bradley Wiggins and I am competing in the Tour de France. I'm going to beat my own personal best time!"

Go ahead an compete whilst jumping red lights, cycling the wrong way up one-way streets and scaring the daylights out of pedestrians etc. You're only cycling to work, mate. Not competing in the Tour de France!

Anyone who tells you that nothing is impossible has never bathed in a saucer of water.

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 Post subject: Re: It'll never happen
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 23:34 
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 23:26
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
Throughout the summer, I've met a lot of cyclists intent on self destruction, and blaming innocent motorists for their injuries. In short- groups of cyclists riding with no consideration for other road users on winding roads, and shouting abuse at car drivers wh fail to get out of their way. Then ,I meet two lycra blokes on another winding country lane. I was happy to follow them as their speed over the section was above that I was happy doing. They did offer to let me pass, but I decided to wait, and pass when I had space that met my safety standards for both of us. I just tooted and passed wide, to get a large wave, so my patience must have been appreciated. I know their courtesy was also appreciated.
AND before upstart Crow ( AKS resident troll) rises from under his bridge, I've held a licence to drive motor vehicles for over 50 years, and only gave up cycling 40 years ago.
I'm not anti CYCLING, BUT ANTI IDIOTS ON CYCLES. I'm also anti idiots in cars. Or on two wheels, and I often wonder if the idots on two wheels graduate to being idiots on powered moped two wheels.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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