Speed bump nightmare almost over
Last updated at 15:11, Monday, 24 January 2011
A RESIDENT’S speed bump nightmare may soon be over.
After years of battling to have the speed bump outside his Askam home removed, Ken Hardy may soon be able to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.
Mr Hardy, of Duddon Road, told the Evening Mail last year that the vibrations and noise of vehicles going over the speed bumps outside his home have driven him mad.
He said: “When I’m lying in bed my house shakes when a car goes past. My bed shakes, even the coat-hangers shake. I’m losing sleep because of it waking me up. It vibrates through my house into my next door neighbour’s.”
Now Councillor Jill Heath, who represents Dalton North on Barrow Borough Council and Cumbria County Council, has backed plans for a review of the whole 20mph speed zone in the village.
She said: “I’m putting a proposal to the Barrow Local Committee, who make these decisions, on March 3, to have that speed hump removed for the quality of the life of the residents.
“And at the same time, because of the cost implications of a scheme like that, I’m saying we should put it out to consultation in Askam yet again and make a decision on whether the whole 20mph zone should stay.
“I think the people in Askam need a second chance to say whether they want it or not, because they might not have understood it the first time round.
“I don’t think the consultation was completely right, but they were consulted.
“I’m not saying the speed zone in Askam is right or wrong. That is not my place.
“But I’m doing what the people of Askam want.
“At the same time, we’ve got to get it right because things aren’t fully right with the scheme and it will cost money to put it right, and there isn’t much around.”
Meanwhile, Mr Hardy has welcomed the news, adding: “I’m pleased that something is finally being done.
“But this should have been done ages ago.
“The only time I’ve had any peace from the problems was when it was snowing because people had to slow right down when they went over the speed bumps.”
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