Frame-of-mind must be close to the top of my list. It's much less of a problem in me these days, but still (perhaps a couple of times a year) I find that if anything gets under my skin, I may incite aggressive behaviour in others with a poor decision or two. If that happens when I'm caught in one of my rare bad moods, I just might retaliate - and when I'm in one of those (exceedingly) rare moments, bent metal pales into insignificance compared with proving a point, on the grounds that, in proving the point, the metal will survive by the other bloke giving way etc etc. <incidentally before the thyought police attack me, I cannot remember when I had one of these moments last, probably 15 or so years ago - and no bent metal resulted>
Mobile distract (hands free and legal, but with me it is a distraction I have not yet managed to train myself to place correctly in the hierarchy)
Hang on - I'm answering the wrong question
I'll leave it now I've typed it, but
the above is exactly where Paul was NOT asking us to brainstorm!
Experience - 6th sense - "something doesn't quite compute with what one expects", so one comes a bit slower and covers the brake.
Having an escape lane for perceived crash risks. This is (almost) all unconscious these days, but I'm talking of planning an out for when things go wrong. Approaching a junction, someone "appears from nowhere" in our path. The chances are we will find the gap or least bad off-road to miss numpty and not damage our own car much, whereas slamming the anchors on would reduce the impact to a manageable level, but still be a two-car accident.
Advanced electronics - saves many a novice driver from significant over or understeer in a bend that it turned out was being taken too quickly (either deceptive camber, got tighter or was for some reason of reduced traction).
ABS - subset of the above - people can steer despite being full on the brakes. It's all very well saying to people "if the wheels lock, back off and try again" - and I'm sure all of us on here would do it as a lizard brain thing BUT for the person who locks up once a flood... the ABS is brilliant for them.
Cats eyes - briliant advance warning of road direction, chsange of direction and, occasionally, camber.
Chevron signs - similar notice of a tight/tightening bend.
That'lll do for now from me - and sorry about the rambling (and wrong!) intro. Edit it out if you like, Paul. I don't want todistract the thread.