toltec wrote:
For example could we get meaningful data on members predictive ability. What you would record, for example, is instances where you think "that driver is about to turn right" even though they have not yet switched on an indicator. All you would record would be 'I was right' or 'I was wrong' for any prediction you make.
Would there be any point to this?
Would there be a distraction risk in doing so?
What other data would be needed e.g. length of journey, duration of journey?
Should it be - record for journeys on a particular day only?
I might have called the title Perceptions of Driving ... we might change it ...
To run a Poll is something that can be done, easily, then you can analyse that data.
Rather than 'predictions' I feel that you are really referring to experience of 'driver & car 'body' language'.
This is gained through much experience, great observation, forward thinking and planning, knowledge and attitude.
As good drivers the 'predictions' are really a summary of our experience. The 'pat on the back' that we can give ourselves, when our assessments are successfully fulfilled, is pleasing, as we have correctly perceived another's action and in doing so, have enabled our own actions to be better pre-empted.
Now this is excellent, as it enables a far higher standard of driving, and a 'ghost-like' appearance on the road, and to other road users. (i.e. they never knew you were there, because you didn't want them to.)
You are so far ahead of them - usually attained by good solid knowledge and experience and using your eyes and mind, to our full ability, that no one 'knows' you were even there.
It also takes the concept of the simple 'hazard perception' and amplifies it to it's top level.