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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 20:35 
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If all cams were ONLY used to encourage good behaviour ? (Total stop of fines you understand!)
I can think of 100's of ways with this ...
i.e. too many cars travelling too close, the operator displays on a follow up msg board - when drivers are driving too close msg is 'Leave a good 2 sec gap' or when a BAD overtake is noticed, msg - Ensure o/t is SAFE ... OR in extreme cases the police invite that car driver to attend a course.

I am just thinking that could camera's when stopped be used for good at all? The cost has been so substantial is there any way whatsoever that they can be used than binned? - Even for a short period ? (5 yrs) ?
If SCP's are less threatened too in loosing all their jobs may this be beneficial too?
So could this work is it worth exploring in here ?
Can a sign giving advice (Trained Police unable to be introduced that quickly), be less or even more distracting WHEN and only when drivers are not in fear of their licenses and livelihoods ?
If we know someone is observing our actions a (psychological) 'distracting report' showed that in fact observing and showing drivers their mistakes then helped them learn and grow. So if those tapes are then sent to drivers OR a website - punch in your # plate and see what has been 'logged' of your driving and the entire and only aim is to improve your driving by showing what you are doing. The immediate sign being a warning notice hat better quality is warranted / required.
There is the whole issue of the 'operators' following a procedure of what is and isn't wrong, as they are not likely to have good enough driver skills either, in the main, so strict guidelines need to be followed, but it MIGHT be a possible way to teach many drivers ? I think only the very obvious driver mistakes, would be valid to try and educate on. The return to the obvious and best practice of well trained Trafpol to our roads to address the immediate driving issues is still the only way to help have the roads return to the Best in the World.

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 17:35 
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There might be a use for CCTV footage in educating drivers, but the standard speed cameras are set up to do just one thing - detect speeding - and therefore need to be consigned to the dustbin.

I wouldn't be averse to using CCTV footage to expose bad driving so long as it wasn't just used as a simplistic means of prosecuting people.

"Show me someone who says that they have never exceeded a speed limit, and I'll show you a liar, or a menace." (Austin Williams - Director, Transport Research Group)

Any views expressed in this post are personal opinions and may not represent the views of Safe Speed

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 23:25 
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One other idea into the melting pot - use a bank of CCTV cameras in a mode similar to ANPR -follow a band of traffic over a patch - then have a squad of trafpol pull in the ones designated by an experienced observing officer as causing problems and educate them /chewthem up +ticket as appropriate .Sort of carrot and stick approach -but the emphasis on education, trying to get them to realise how to drive safer .The system exists - a better use awaits .

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 15:31 

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Sell the equipment on. Mobile speed camera vans consist of a van, a laser speed meter (can be used to measure distance too) and a video camera which might be able to be used for good, or might be better taken apart or burned (to generate electricity?). SCPs should close as soon as possible, everyone employed in them is in a waste job and is wasting my money.

As for operating signs could they really do this without being patronising or 'crying wolf'? I don't think so.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 18:14 

Joined: Sat Oct 04, 2008 13:03
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If you stopped the fines being issued than how would you encourage the camera advice to be followed?

A system of reward points perhaps?

A smiley face on a display?

I'm all for the rewards principle but how would this operate in practice?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 18:22 
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GreenShed wrote:
If you stopped the fines being issued than how would you encourage the camera advice to be followed?

In terms of the "good behaviour" mentioned, cameras do not give any advice or promote good driving techniques. All they do is gather evidence of a technical infringement without accounting for any aggravating/mitigating circumstances.

A much better way to communicate these is with real trafpol.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 18:26 

Joined: Sat Oct 04, 2008 13:03
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Steve wrote:
GreenShed wrote:
If you stopped the fines being issued than how would you encourage the camera advice to be followed?

In terms of the "good behaviour" mentioned, cameras do not give any advice or promote good driving techniques. All they do is gather evidence of a technical infringement without accounting for any aggravating/mitigating circumstances.

A much better way to communicate these is with real trafpol.

...who are at liberty to continue to do so.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 18:41 
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GreenShed wrote:
Steve wrote:
A much better way to communicate these is with real trafpol.

...who are at liberty to continue to do so.

... less liberty since SCPS were formed.

Views expressed are personal opinions and are not necessarily shared by the Safe Speed campaign

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 19:13 

Joined: Wed Feb 16, 2005 18:54
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I think the cameras would have to become several million times more intelligent! Driving to close - how would they measure that? "Too close" varies with road conditions, ambient lighting, the driver, the vehicle, the weather...'s pretty much going against avarything I've ever maintained as being the essence of good road safety!

Greenshed. Reward points could be given just like penalty points - you get a chance to remove some penalty points from your licence or build up a "bank" of "brownie points" to offset against the day when you get some penalty points. Maybe if you got a certain number, you could send them off for an attractive and useful signed photo of your local SCP staff or something. Sounds good to me!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 19:32 

Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 17:12
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Outfit them with seismic shock sensors so that they take pictures whenever a collision occurs in the vicinity of the camera. If they can also take and store pics two to five seconds before the collision, that would be an order of magnitude more instructive to future references.

They claim that they are there to reduce accidents. We claim that many of these accidents are RttM anomalies. Which one is it? Settle the answer to the question, already.

Instead of more arguing which solves nothing, get a definitive answer to the question via direct observation. That way, eventually, some bu11$h!t might get filtered out of the public consciousness.

Observation and study, nothing more.

Any potentially punitive use simply further conditions the public to 'Big Brother' culture, which I vehemently abhor. At least when a cop pulls me over to hand me a ticket for speeding, he accuses me face to face.

The Rules for ALL ROAD USERS:
1) No one gets hurt
2) Nothing gets hit, except to protect others; see Rule#1
3) The Laws of Physics are invincible and immutable - so-called 'laws' of men are not
4) You are always immediately and ultimately responsible for your safety first, then proximately responsible for everyone's
Do not let other road users' mistakes become yours, nor yours become others
5) The rest, including laws of the land, is thoughtful observation, prescience, etiquette, decorum, and cooperation

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