Hmmm, a trial is one thing. this scheme could be used in a very dangerous manner. this is the start of the nationwide road toll. Applied everywhere, everyone's (legal) car is tracked across any street in any town across the UK, charged per mile, and automatically issuing fines and points if your mean speed along your own street exceeds the stated limit. i forecast an increase in damaged cameras, cloned plates and unregistered cars.
I also see an increase in what some bikers used to do with old spped traps.
biker goes past cop no.1 at speed limit plus XXmph.
cop no.1 radios cop no2 with bike plate no and estimated speed and estimated time of arrival.
biker stops between the 2 cops, out of sight of both, has a smoke/drink/rest for 5 mins.
cop no.2 wonders where biker is.
Biker goes past cop no2 at XXX mph, but an average of about 10mph.