I find your sanctimonious spouting offensive in the light of my own experience.
The VILLAGERS of Ings asked for the speed limit - as have several other villagers along the same route, but with less success - the financial rewards would be less likely!
The road safety officers and highways agency NEVER believed a limit was necessary - until speed cameras were about to be introduced.
It is nothing more than a speed TRAP, and a poorly rigged one at that, which has been prone to go off at half cock.
NONE of the accidents at the site have involved speeding - Cumbria Safety Camera Partnership figures - two in fact were the result of drivers taken ill at the wheel, and coming off the road.
The REAL causes of accidents along this road remain largely unaddressed because of the fixation on speed.
Illegal speeding is well down the list of causes, at only 3% of accidents caused. It's people like you who are misguided, illadvised and illinformed who are responsible.
Two years ago this month Richard Gray, a young driver lost his life just along the road, because despite quite specific warnings from myself on this site, and to the authorities, NOTHING was done about a potential lethal road set up, and his inexperience led to a fatal crash, which could so easily have killed more.
I even urged the CSCP to monitor the stretch of road in question - which they did, but FAILED to do anything about it because speed was not involved, and there was no money in it for them.
They are like leeches - parasites who are full of their own importance, and have a firm belief in the infallibility of their equipment. When the going gets tough and they asked searching questions, they bury their heads in the sand, or release half truths or tell lies to cover up their inadequacy.
I guess you are in danger of being judged by the company you keep!
I am old in our local paper that the alterations I called for two years ago are finally about to be realised.... and our local county councillors are queuing up to take the credit!