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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 06:49 

Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2008 18:34
Posts: 90
Is Safe Speed Campaign wrong for the following reasons?

1) They have no evidence what so ever to prove, removing speed cameras lives well be saved.

2) When others like me, present evidence that proves speed cameras save lives, they are scare of the truth as proven by the abuse directed towards me, changing subjects and ducking and weaving (You don't believe what others provided, why should anyone believe what Safe Speed or their supporters provided?)

3) Maybe others can see it? But I cannot see anywhere, of what Safe Speed considered a safe speed? (Even those someone on the side of Safe Speed considered a zero speed as a safe speed)

4) etc etc etc

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:31 
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Maybe others can see it? But I cannot see anywhere, of what Safe Speed considered a safe speed?

I think you've missed the point, cr. Safespeed believe that no single speed is appropriate for a whole class of road, which is why speed limits are too inflexible a road safety tool.

etc etc etc

Well, quite.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 01:17 
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crw wrote:
Is Safe Speed Campaign wrong for the following reasons?

1) They have no evidence what so ever to prove, removing speed cameras lives well be saved.

2) When others like me, present evidence that proves speed cameras save lives, they are scare of the truth as proven by the abuse directed towards me, changing subjects and ducking and weaving (You don't believe what others provided, why should anyone believe what Safe Speed or their supporters provided?)

3) Maybe others can see it? But I cannot see anywhere, of what Safe Speed considered a safe speed? (Even those someone on the side of Safe Speed considered a zero speed as a safe speed)

4) etc etc etc

Apart from that elsewhere I have asked you to read the site - which you have failed to do, or you would be also doing as I requested, that after doing this that you then ask ONE SPECIFIC question that we can debate.

You are failing to do this simple task. Your comments are far too wide to answer in detail, and as I said, ask a single point, and then we shall debate it. The website speaks for itself.
Many people here have kindly spent AGES trying to explain things to you and I have told you that I am extremely busy at the moment, quite understandably, so asking wide varied questions, is both unkind and disrespectful, as well as very untimely.
I take it that you are trying to tempt me into an involved answer. Since you cannot respect my wishes, is an appalling lack of empathy.

Ask a specific question that can be debated, or your postings will be binned on sight.

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 18:08 
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crw wrote:
Is Safe Speed Campaign wrong for the following reasons?

1) They have no evidence what so ever to prove, removing speed cameras lives well be saved.

2) When others like me, present evidence that proves speed cameras save lives, they are scare of the truth as proven by the abuse directed towards me, changing subjects and ducking and weaving (You don't believe what others provided, why should anyone believe what Safe Speed or their supporters provided?)

3) Maybe others can see it? But I cannot see anywhere, of what Safe Speed considered a safe speed? (Even those someone on the side of Safe Speed considered a zero speed as a safe speed)

4) etc etc etc

Where's your "proof" that prosecuting a dedicated caring doctor in rehabilitation, (aged in his mid-50s with no accidents or convictions throughout his entire life of driving who, until two years ago, was done for doing 33 mph in a 30), has now made our society better or safer? And not just him incidentally.

I think you should refer to this.. ... sc&start=0

The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of Safe Speed.
You will be branded a threat to society by going over a speed limit where it is safe to do so, and suffer the consequences of your actions in a way criminals do not, more so than someone who is a real threat to our society.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 23:13 
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crw wrote:
Is Safe Speed Campaign wrong for the following reasons?

They have no evidence what so ever to prove, removing speed cameras lives well be saved.

Take that in reverse - what evidence is there that they actually do save lives (except the political life of some politician desperate to reduce the dole queue).

Maybe others can see it? But I cannot see anywhere, of what Safe Speed considered a safe speed?

Perhaps a little light reading might answer this - but then again , some folk can't see anything except under their nose - AS SO OFTEN QUOTED ON THIS SITE "A safe speed is one where you can stop safely in the distance you see to be clear , on your own side of the road "It's not a magic number- you won't find it written on the rear of a SCP van ,or hung on a hedge - it's what a good driver decides it to be based on their own ability ,vehicle and state of weather (to name a few variables )

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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