gameboy wrote:
Les Chalards wrote:
I think Paul Smith should be publicly praised and recognised for his oustanding contribution to road safety and free speach.
Free speech maybe, road safety not likely.
Really suggest you read this site properly!
Lot of good advice on road safety.
Your next challenge after your trip through Scam county (Oh and for good measure - try the A610 in Notts - you'll like that!

) is to give us an in depth appraisal of
1. Cornering forces
2. Explain why hot weather can be as dangerous as winter weather.
3. Explain what you understand by planned system of driving.
4. Define COAST and POWER
5. Use of gears
6. Explain what you understand by steering sensitivity.
And no peeking at Paulie's work

Your own words please!
If you cannot rise to this challenge - then I shall just assume you know nowt about driving!