jamie_duff wrote:
Hope I didn't cause any offence Wildcat and Moggie???
As Wildcat's English is otherwise superb I simply assumed (wrongly) that she had adopted a silly fashion as opposed to a genuine language conversion. (People sometimes do that).
Again, I apologies if I have offended and shall not mention such language anomolies again.
Ta .. you are newish. English is Wildy's particular problem. She used to use a spell check - but found she was correcting all these silly words - yet she spells complex words perfectly.

Of course - Einstein had the same issues with the very easy .. and my wife has this unfortunate habit of solving the problem before my brain has even assimilated anything..

Mate - it's
scary - and she's like her cousin IG - she notices [i] everything 
Did try to "educate" her out of this. Have magnetic letters on the fridge spelling out
We seem to have got rid of the odd "mit" instead of "with
Her excuse? I get

and will try to make it "phonetic" so you get the fuller flavour..
Aber Liebchen - wot with the washin' irr-ronnnIN', Kuckin' UNT de moellti-taskin' of lukin' gorrrorgeee- us fuerrrr dicchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhisss !
You see - I put up with more than you can know... in your wildest dreams .. and then there are all those domestic scrapes... look in the archives

- I risked getting "clawed " badly last time - when I mentioned the half baked Christmas cake....the getting stuck in the bend in the loo and then there was the incident with the antique bedroom chair...a car.. a trailer and a motorbike... - not to mention the time she hacked into my computer before she registered herself on here ... caused chaos with someone called Jolly Inky .. poked fun at Peter E over something or other and sent all my pals e-mail in my name referring to them all as "Liebchen" and signing off with "love and kissy" icons...
But Wildy is a hard worker - a working mother and regarded as an "very able" in her profession. She just stopped using her spell checker as she found it took up "too much time and it's not as if she is doing an official report"
I never know what to expect ... and this makes her all the more fun to live with.
Me - I just cannot type fast and IG also thinks faster than his fingers work sometimes

Most people make the same typos if you bother looking closely .. the odd transposition and space error. As I tend to skim read - miss most of them.