smeggy wrote:
I assume the figure of 375mph has no real physical significance (other than the 550ftlb/s) even though it’s almost exactly mach 0.5?
You assume correct sir. 375mph is simply the speed at which you would have to travel in order to move Mr Watts 1lb weight over a distance of 33,000 ft in one minute....
33,000 ft = 11,000 yards = 6.25 miles. 6.25 miles in 1 minute = 375 mph. As James Watt appeared to pluck the figure 33,000 out of thin air in the first instance, it has no real significance with respect to other physical parameters.
smeggy wrote:
Why the ‘b’ in bhp?
Brake. Not sure why piston engines are rated in brake horespower, think its something to do with the power available at a brake if applied to the system.
mole wrote:
Is it fair to say that if the plane isn't moving the engines aren't developing any power? I agree that the definition of "power" requires something to move but I'd suggest that it's the air out of the back of the engine's that's moving.
Its an odd concept to get ones head around I agree. By strict adherence to the Power formula (Force * distance / time), a jet engine when stationary is producing no power in relation to the job the exhaust gas stream is expected to do, i.e. move the aircraft forward. Its what the aircraft/engine does thats important, and because the aircraft doesn't go anywhere, distance = 0 therefore the whole formula resolves back to zero! This is what propulsion students are taught and is the generally accepted concept within the discipline.
Power is being produced and consumed within the engien itself because the compressor is being spun by the turbine, but this is not contributing to the thrust being developed as the exhaust gasses exit the nozzle so isn't considered.
mole wrote:
If I sat in my car, floored the throttle and dumped the clutch so that the wheels spun, I don't think it would be valid to say the engine wasn't developing any power because the car wasn't moving!
Again, it is relative concept. The engine of your car is driving the wheels which demands a certain amount of torque (force * distance), distance in this sense is that covered by the wheels as they rotate against the tarmac, therefore power is being demanded and but it is all being consumed. If your car doesn't go anywhere as a result, all of the power is being wasted, net result car goes nowhere and we're back to distance = zero, power = zero again.
mole wrote:
Just had a quick look on a plane-nerd website and it quotes the maximum take-off weight of a 747 200 as being about 375,000kg. It also quotes the maximum take-off distance as being 3100m. Assuming linear acceleration (is this fair?) we get about 1.05 m/s^2 (or about 0.1G) of acceleration to get to 80.5 m/s in 3100m. Using F=Ma it comes out as about 40,000kg of thrust. Would it be reasonable to assume the rest of the thrust was used up in overcoming air and rolling resistance?
Yes, there is always some air resistance and rolling resistance whilst the aircraft is on the ground. Therefore some engine thrust will alaways be consumed to overcome this 'drag'; aerodynamic drag increases with the square of speed i.e. the faster it goes, the worse the problem becomes.
Airliners fly at 40,000 for a very good reason, there is less air resistance and hence less drag, and the thinner air demands less fuel to effect combustion therefore fuel consumption is considerably reduced. Our 'simulator' realises savings of over 50% when we take it up to 40,00o ft.
BTW, did that nerdy plane website tell you just how little aerodynamic lift (per square inch of wing surface area) is being produced by the 747 at take-off speed

You might be shocked to learn by just how fine the margins are as you settle into your seat and head off for sunny Lazarote