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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 21:43 
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:gatso2: From the Daily Mail ... -road.html

Cyclist filmed jumping SIX red lights along one mile stretch of road is shamed by fellow bike rider who kept up with him... despite sticking to the rules of the road

Filmmaker shot footage along the A5 in Maida Vale to Kilburn High Road
Cyclist jumps two red lights in quick succession and cuts up fellow biker
Video maker is able to keep up with cyclist despite following road rules

By Jake Polden For Mailonline

Published: 17:22, 13 August 2015 | Updated: 10:17, 14 August 2015

A campaigner for safe cycling captured a shocking video of a fellow cyclist jumping six red lights and narrowly avoiding a collision with another bike rider along a one mile stretch of road.

The footage was captured on a helmet camera by the cyclist who kept up with the bike rider along the A5 in Maida Vale, west London to Kilburn High Road, despite following the rules of the road.

In the subsequent video, which was posted to the MCR Cyclist YouTube account, the bike rider can be seen jumping the first of the six red lights on the A5 by Cafe Laville.

The footage was captured on a helmet camera by the cyclist who kept up with the bike rider along the A5 in Maida Vale to Kilburn High Road

The footage was captured on a helmet camera by the cyclist who kept up with the bike rider along the A5 in Maida Vale to Kilburn High Road

He then immediately cycles through a second set and cuts in front of another bike rider crossing the junction, before pedalling away down the road.

The cyclist manages to travel some distance ahead of the video maker but the trailing bike eventually catches up and records the man jumping another traffic light.

The filmmaker eludes to this point throughout the video, stating in captions that despite riding dangerously the man was getting no further down the road.

Later in the video he jumps a red light on the junction with Cambridge Avenue before riding through a final one near Brondesbury Road.

Writing alongside the clip on YouTube, the video maker said: 'Dear fellow cyclist, is it really that difficult to wait at a red light?

'You managed to jump six red lights, but yet I still managed to keep up with you while I waited at those red lights. In future, maybe just wait and not risk your life?'

The filmmaker brought attention to the fact that despite riding dangerously the man was getting no further down the road

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