I had rather a poor day last Thursday, managed to hit a dog and a Micra in separate incidents.
The dog came out from a driveway onto the footpath, paused, then dashed across the road. Fortunately I was off the accelerator, slowing and covering the brake when it started across the road. At some point during braking I realised hitting it was inevitable, a pretty nasty feeling, the dog bounced off the front driver's side, barrel rolled onto the opposite grass verge, yelped once and ran off. I think my car only travelled 5-10 feet after impact and this was on a wet down slope so I must have been down to 10mph maybe at the point of collision. I went after the dog and found it with the owner, she had been walking it in a field and called it back after she realised it had gotten through a gap in the fence. Sky was shaken but not showing any signs of injury, I hope you will be as pleased to hear as I was that a check over by a vet gave her a clean bill of health. The owner had seen what happened and actually thanked me for slowing then braking hard enough to avoid hurting her dog. I got the text telling me Sky was fine later in the day and after the next incident so possibly worrying about it may have provided a distraction.
The Micra incident happened on a roundabout and was my failure to observe correctly, at the time the car just seemed to come from nowhere as I had thought my entry was clear. On reflection I think I had seen the car and dismissed it as a hazard as it was probably in the right hand lane and indicating right, I then checked behind and found there was space for me to enter the roundabout. The driver of the Micra was in fact taking the exit immediately after my entrance and so slowed and swept across just as I pulled out, I looked forward before I moved out but possibly lost the Micra in the windscreen pillar, it being silver probably did not help. The result was I tapped the rear left corner of its bumper with the front right of mine and almost provided a textbook example of how to make another car spin. This is the
Google map of the roundabout. I was entering from the A223 and she was leaving on Maidstone Road, the Micra mounted the kerb narrowly missing a couple of sign posts and finished up just the right of a large conifer.
Again fortunately no injuries were sustained and the visible damage to the cars was minor, she was happy to dismiss the incident as there were already a few scrapes on her car, but I insisted she should have the front suspension etc. on her car checked as it had mounted a kerb and gave her my details.
Both incidents could have been far worse, the first I doubt I could do anything different to reduce the chance of a repeat, the second I find more disturbing as I really do not remember seeing the Micra until immediately prior to hitting it. I had been stopped waiting to join the roundabout for 10-15 seconds and a number of cars had already passed, some from around the far side and two from the entrance directly to the right, in fact it was a car (silver Mercedes) turning left from Sandy Lane rather than coming past me that gave me the gap to proceed (or so I thought).