The road safety issue reads like the story of the Titanic.
The Government thinks Speed Cameras are infallible (unsinkable).
Speed is a factor (the Titanic WAS going too fast for the conditions).
The ice was further south than had been anticipated (lack of good statistics).
Bad luck played a part in the severity of the incident (had the Titanic RAMMED the ice head on, she would not have sunk).
There was a lack of safety features which could have saved lives (not enough lifeboats)
Finally, if you look carefully at a speed camera sign, it looks like a sinking ship on it's side!
Now the similarity in the answers to the problems!
Speed should be dictated by
good observation of the view ahead and conditions, (Better Lookouts - not a committee sat around a desk).
You should anticipate the unexpected, and plan road safety on a sound basis (Ice CAN sometimes come further south, and you need a good reporting system!).
Bad luck can be planned for in better safety features (Bulkheads should go to the top!)
Don't make do with the minimum of safety measures to save money (Fit more lifeboats to cover ALL passengers).
Speed cameras dont provide the "lifeboats" of better training - they simply teach you to swim - and like in the cold waters of the Atlantic - or the rural roads away from speed cameras, drivers will die without better training and experience - especially young drivers. They need lifeboats, and good navigation!
We need Traffic Policemen to monitor a whole range of driving issues - AND the use of our roads as a conduit for drugs and smuggling!
"Pat & Carl" in Slough (Road Wars, Sky TV) have a nose for drivers who are banned, in possession, driving stolen cars, or dealing from cars - we need MORE, not less!