Well now we are another 4 weeks along - I can barely believe that it was 8 weeks ago.
So much has happened. Every second of every day, and every minute of every hour, and every hour of every day I miss you and love you still.
The desperate lonely feelings, and hours of lost conversations, and lack of care & love, from you, that no one can replace, leave me to know what true loss is. You can never be replaced.
I know that you are gone, your empty chair and cup, and cold bed tell me so, all the time. My uncorrected and unanswered conversations, add to the impact of being alone. Your hand no longer finds it way over to me, and your wonderful, comforting hugs, so longer surround me - I am alone.
I miss you. I will forever miss you.
And yet in a strange way - I still know that you are there, I can feel you around, I just have to look and to concentrate. It is not the same and I wonder if my creative imagination is playing tricks on my breaking heart.
Like you there is never enough time in the day, and like you, I work like crazy, but still, have even more to do the following day. But I will do my best for you, and for those that may die if I don't.
We had a great time, even through all the ups and downs, and with many more ups than downs, we truly always had true love.
You will always be mine, I will always be yours.
The desolation and hurt that I feel, I know you wanted to spare me from, but failed. One of the (very), few things you couldn't and cannot fix, or at least, not until we meet again, as I told you, I think we meet everyone (good people anyway) after death.
I still care for you, as you were here. I miss you, be close by me.
Claire xx