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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:13 
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This is the first time I've been able to access SS since reading the news on Monday morning. :(

I can only reiterate my post from another site: Looking back I am reminded not only of his great intellect but also of his great sense of humour. Like many others here, I have never been so upset over the loss of someone I never actually had the pleasure of meeting, but thought of as a dear friend.

He was so much more than the oft quoted "Paul Smith of Safe Speed" - He was a Superstar in every sense. :bow:

I will take a moment's silence out from work today at 12:30 in Paul's memory.

My heart goes out to you Claire.

Love Tony

The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of Safe Speed.
You will be branded a threat to society by going over a speed limit where it is safe to do so, and suffer the consequences of your actions in a way criminals do not, more so than someone who is a real threat to our society.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 20:04 

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Have held off posting until now as I wanted to figure out how to word it. I spoke to Paul via email, forums etc on several occasions, and I'm glad I spoke to him on the phone that time. Even though I never had the chance to meet him in person I feel like I've lost a friend.

I'm glad that Claire has chosen to carry his work on. The most fitting tribute would be if the "powers that be" saw sense and scrapped every single speed camera in the country. Then all his work would have been worth something.

He has left a great legacy though. Questions have been asked, and even though the DfT won't admit their mistake they are backing away from a failed policy. Mostly thanks to Paul's work.

Paul - we all owe you one, this one's for you.

Magistrates rule #1: "Never let justice get in the way of a conviction."

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 21:53 

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I only spoke to Paul once and am very glad I took the opportunity to thank him for running the only anti-camera site that allows JPs to post and freely voice their opinions without censorship. That he did so shows just how strongly he felt about fairness and open discussion.

He will be missed.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 01:56 

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It is strange to me the way I'm feeling about someone I never met and never spoke to outside of these forums.

But I know this feeling all too well, having experienced it (unfortunatley) with the passing of close friends.

I can only re-iterate the sentiments already expressed. Rest in peace Paul. And my sincere condolences to Claire. It is indeed a tragic loss to science and humanity.

Kind Regards

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 05:31 

Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 17:12
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This is mostly off-the-cuff, stream-of-consciousness ...
Hi, I'm a stupid Yank who lurked for a few weeks, took a few days off, registered ...
and now, I feel a little cheated that I never got to meet, or speak to, or correspond in any way with Paul Smith. From what little I've gathered, he seemed like a gentleman, a real gentle man.

To Paul's family, you must still be proud of him. Please allow me to express tender sympathies your way during this sad time.

I, for one, am actually sadder than you might think.
Every time I'd read something - anything - from this site, I was amazed at the wonderful combination of courage and common sense.
This website contains the only time I've ever seen a disclaimer regarding the info contained that made me think, "This world needs more people like that. Many people would become better people if they followed his lead." After each visit to this site, I came away feeling a little better about humanity.

As you can see, most of what I know about him comes from this site and this forum, so I guess I don't know too much? Yet, the info that he has made available has, in fact, not only saved the lives of a few good friends, but has bettered my life in several ways.
Certainly not the least of which being having learned that somewhere, someone had the brains and the ... courage ... (I was going to type something else; I'm actually getting a little angry) to tell it like it is, to call the bluff of those who have real power to make your life miserable, to swim upstream alone against a rising tide of common NONsense being wielded by those who offer other's throats to be cut in order to save their own faces ...

I used to be jealous that I didn't know anyone like that here in the States. Now I'm both saddened and angered that this world has lost someone really special.

We are all better off for his existence, and would do very well to learn from his example.

I don't know what else to say, except, Thank You, Paul, for showing everyone how it's done.

The Rules for ALL ROAD USERS:
1) No one gets hurt
2) Nothing gets hit, except to protect others; see Rule#1
3) The Laws of Physics are invincible and immutable - so-called 'laws' of men are not
4) You are always immediately and ultimately responsible for your safety first, then proximately responsible for everyone's
Do not let other road users' mistakes become yours, nor yours become others
5) The rest, including laws of the land, is thoughtful observation, prescience, etiquette, decorum, and cooperation

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 08:24 
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2005 23:28
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Wow! :bow: to that post!

Nicht ganz im Lot!
Ich setze mich immer wieder in die Nesseln! Der Mad Doc ist mein Mann! Und ich benutzte seinen PC!

UND OUR SMILEYS? Smile ... und the the world smiles with you.
Smiley guy seen when you read
Fine me for Safe Speed
(& other good causes..)

Greatest love & Greatest Achievements Require Greatest Risk
But if you lose the driving plan - don't lose the COAST lesson.
Je ne regrette rien

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 09:50 
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Absolutely. :clap1:

I hope you're going to stick around Mr/Ms Rush?

Oh and :welcome:

I lived/worked in California, Riverside, for two years. (May go back for good one day) Nice place, lovely people. :)

The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of Safe Speed.
You will be branded a threat to society by going over a speed limit where it is safe to do so, and suffer the consequences of your actions in a way criminals do not, more so than someone who is a real threat to our society.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 15:28 

Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 17:12
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Location: Borough of Queens, NYC, NY USA
WildCat: much thanks.

Big Tone: The Rush, or Rush will do (I'm a dude, by the way). And no worries, all, I'll be around whenever my schedule permits. I'm honored to be in a gathering where lies are mercilessly dissected.
Further, after several years of having to put up with myopic, fear-based tripe, I finally expect to not only be able to discuss public driving with an intelligent group, but to learn through said discussions at a pace that parallels my driving style.

I guess this is where I thank those of you who've backed Sir Paul Smith, and even those who tested him; the hotter the fire, the stronger the steel.

This PowerPoint presentation is highquality stuff.

The Rules for ALL ROAD USERS:
1) No one gets hurt
2) Nothing gets hit, except to protect others; see Rule#1
3) The Laws of Physics are invincible and immutable - so-called 'laws' of men are not
4) You are always immediately and ultimately responsible for your safety first, then proximately responsible for everyone's
Do not let other road users' mistakes become yours, nor yours become others
5) The rest, including laws of the land, is thoughtful observation, prescience, etiquette, decorum, and cooperation

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 15:48 
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I stopped posting here some time ago for reasons that would be inappropriate to go into now. However I was deeply saddened to learn of Paul's passing and the world is a poorer place without him. As many people have said I didn't agree with everything he said, but his honesty, integrity, and commitment to the cause was unquestionable. If only our politicians had a fraction of that the world would be a better place.

My sincere condolences to Claire and Paul's family, there is no doubt he will be greatly missed.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 17:36 
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The Rush wrote:
WildCat: much thanks.

Big Tone: The Rush, or Rush will do (I'm a dude, by the way). And no worries, all, I'll be around whenever my schedule permits. I'm honored to be in a gathering where lies are mercilessly dissected.
Further, after several years of having to put up with myopic, fear-based tripe, I finally expect to not only be able to discuss public driving with an intelligent group, but to learn through said discussions at a pace that parallels my driving style.

I guess this is where I thank those of you who've backed Sir Paul Smith, and even those who tested him; the hotter the fire, the stronger the steel.

This PowerPoint presentation is highquality stuff.

I like your style Rush :thumbsup:

Well, I break up from work today, for two weeks. No internet at home, so just time to wish, (with a heavy heart), a peaceful Christmas to all at SS.

I'll be on my own this year, split up from Lady Tone a month back, but it'll be good for me to think about the important things in life and reflect on the year.

I hope the new year sees the dawn of real changes in road policies for which Paul fought so long and hard. I will continue to support SS.

With special thoughts of you Claire.

I'll be sure and toast to Paul at Christmas and New Years eve, and to the great woman who stood by his side for 23 years. :drink:

Take care everyone.

Luv Tone

The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of Safe Speed.
You will be branded a threat to society by going over a speed limit where it is safe to do so, and suffer the consequences of your actions in a way criminals do not, more so than someone who is a real threat to our society.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 07:16 

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Posts: 331

:shock: :? :furious: :cry:

Words fail me.

Condolances(sp?) to Claire and family

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 01:00 
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Big Tone wrote:
The Rush wrote:
WildCat: much thanks.

Big Tone: The Rush, or Rush will do (I'm a dude, by the way). And no worries, all, I'll be around whenever my schedule permits. I'm honored to be in a gathering where lies are mercilessly dissected.
Further, after several years of having to put up with myopic, fear-based tripe, I finally expect to not only be able to discuss public driving with an intelligent group, but to learn through said discussions at a pace that parallels my driving style.

I guess this is where I thank those of you who've backed Sir Paul Smith, and even those who tested him; the hotter the fire, the stronger the steel.

This PowerPoint presentation is highquality stuff.

I like your style Rush :thumbsup:

Well, I break up from work today, for two weeks. No internet at home, so just time to wish, (with a heavy heart), a peaceful Christmas to all at SS.

I'll be on my own this year, split up from Lady Tone a month back, but it'll be good for me to think about the important things in life and reflect on the year.

I hope the new year sees the dawn of real changes in road policies for which Paul fought so long and hard. I will continue to support SS.

With special thoughts of you Claire.

I'll be sure and toast to Paul at Christmas and New Years eve, and to the great woman who stood by his side for 23 years. :drink:

Take care everyone.

Luv Tone





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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 17:54 

Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2007 02:25
Posts: 331
Having initially come to terms with, but not getting over the shock of, Pauls passing. It got me thinking as to the reasons I ended up on this site.

I have known many people to be caught speeding by Gatso and alike. However I have not been caught out myself. But something always bothered me as to the reasons for the placement of many of the cameras I had seen.

I started to do some research on the net and visited many anti camera web sites. Most were the just plain "anti camera" without much in the way of reasoning or just get rid of them by hook or by crook. However Pauls was always different.

The more I read on SafeSpeed and the more I researched from the info gathered here, the more convinced I became that they were "A blunt instrument" to improving the driving standards in this country. Then I discovered the forums.

The forums are, to me, the heart and soul of SafeSpeed. Where the site would present the ever increasing evidence that cameras were not working. The forums allowed any and all, for or against, to question directly the methods used to interpret the source data.

I read and continue to read the debates going on in threads about various aspects of road safety (sometimes adding my voice). Almost every time I pick up a nugget of info that helps me improve as a driver. This is what made SafeSpeed different.

I think SafeSpeed was never just an "anti camera" site. It may have started out and be perceived that way, but Pauls belief in self improvement as a driver eventually took the site to places he may not, initially, have envisioned.

This is Pauls legacy to Me, it may be different for others.

It made me think more about how I drive. It taught me to critique what I was doing and how to find ways to get better. It also had the added benefit of teaching me tolerance of other drivers and their actions, by showing a weakness in my driving.

The ultimate goal being "Safe driving at any Speed".

Paul thank you.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 18:25 

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:( :(

Very sad news. I did speak to Paul once along time ago. Condolances to his family :angel:

Just hope his aims & goals continue :wink:

RoADA Member -GOLD 2008
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:57 
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I've only just heard the terrible news from another source. I thought at first it must be a hoax and came on here to check to find out it isn't.

Paul first contacted me in 2001 at the very genesis of the Safespeed concept about a usenet posting of mine on driver awareness. He thought it encapsulated the message he was trying to get across and wanted my permission to put it on the site. I was of course delighted to give that and it became one of the first articles on here.

Over the years I've watched the site, and the organisation, grow in leaps and bounds from those first few articles until Paul had become one of the primary voices on road safety in the UK and the "go to guy" for the whole of the mainstream press on any issue to do with safety or speed cameras.

In 2005 we corresponded again when he asked me if I could write something on the physics of car safety - braking, acceleration, cornering etc. Unfortunately he had no specific topic or theme in mind and we never progressed it although I would be happy to contribute in future on anything within the remit of my specialised areas of knowledge.

There's no doubt that he's achieved more than any other person to further public awareness of the damage that speed cameras and police policy are doing to road safety in the country. Some time ago I spent a good while reading the Brunstrom memos which only served to reinforce just how much effect Paul was having.

I meant to email him to tell him just how proud I was of what he had achieved from those small beginnings and how delighted I was that he was forcing the establishment to sit up and take notice. Sadly in a life plagued by procrastination it became just one more of the things I meant to do when I got a "roundtuit" and now I've lost the chance.

I had no idea he suffered from ill health and his passing is a complete shock. My sincerest condolences to Claire, his family, friends and all those who knew him better than I did. I hope his work goes on.

Dave Baker
Puma Race Engines

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 01:11 
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This is Claire, Paul's partner (CL wife), we had a splendid 23.5 years together as a couple and 24yrs of companionship.

I miss him more than words can possibly say. We never let the sun go down on any argument (he was almost always right anyway! :-). We always told each other how much we loved each other. We were together whether it was flying model helicopters, or trying to set up a photographic shot. I have seen Paul through some really hard times and some very successful ones.
To even think of him not being in my life is unbearable. I have seen him go from project to project and no matter what it was he worked harder than anyone else I know as he always committed to it 101% and it always paid off.
He could learn faster and better than many experts in whatever field it was that he decided to explore including marine tropical fish, herpotology, model cars & helicopters. Computer electronics enable him to understand just about any piece of equipment that you asked him about.
His knowledge was amazing. I tested him once, randomly opening the dictionary and asking for explanations of words, one included (and I forget what the word was !) but, he told me that is was an african club ! He was right too! I was stunned! Asking him how he could possibly know that he just gave me a big grin, and sheepishly said "I just do".
His great passion for driving was another hobby that we shared, and have spent 1000's of hours debating better methods and the best practice. We trusted each other totally, when driving and thoroughly enjoyed many many drives.
To my love, I miss you and will forever, until we meet again ... Claire

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 15:44 
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SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
His knowledge was amazing. I tested him once, randomly opening the dictionary and asking for explanations of words, one included (and I forget what the word was !) but, he told me that is was an african club ! He was right too! I was stunned! Asking him how he could possibly know that he just gave me a big grin, and sheepishly said "I just do".

A sign of a man who took a great interest in the world around him Claire, reading, watching and learning all the while. Someone once called me a 'mine of useless information' because I could tell him off the top of my head what the capital city of some country or other was.
Useless? I replied. Well I've helped you fill in 23 across haven't I :lol:
I wonder, did he ever watch TV quiz shows and look dismayed when someone got stuck on the £100 question because they didn't know that Labour and Conservative were two UK political parties (or some other such similar no-brainer).? :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 01:19 

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I have just caught up with this tragic news and can only wish Claire and all Paul's family the greatest love and support for the future and the very happiest memories of the past.

Paul was simply an inspiration even to us on the other side of the world and a beacon of common sense and intelligence amidst an ocean of ignorance and stupidity. His energy and commitment was simply amazing. I am deeply saddened at such a premature loss.

That his work should live on is the best possible memorial. My support for all who continue it.

Alan Wilkinson
New Zealand

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 13:11 

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I never had the opportunity or privelige to meet Paul or speak to him in person although i corresponded with him via email on a few occasions, usually to send info on what i thought would be useful to the campaign or more usually to tell me to keep a lid on it. :)

I cant remember when i first became aware of the Safespeed campaign, but im pretty sure it was back in 03 when the scamera scam was at it height.
Pauls analysis and clear views on the subject were (and still are) a very welcome breath of fresh air from the usual stifling "speed kills" nonsense, and thanks to Paul i became "aware" of the real situation regarding road safety, indeed he's set me upon a path that i will doubtless follow for the rest of my life.
Im also very proud to have been a small part of Pauls efforts to kick the ladder out from under the hypocritical "camera supporters club" fairly early on. :)

I wrote to the Hong Kong police department after something i read on the site sparked a question, although i never expected anything to come of it, it did.
The results of Pauls analysis on the info i sent in appear on the Hong Kong page, and only Paul could have looked at the raw data and put it together to make sense out of what i could not, such was the talent of the guy.

I can only hope that the pooled resources of the people on this site can attempt to do the job that Paul did single handedly, it will be an uphill struggle but one which Paul would have applauded anyway.

You will be missed mate but one thing is for certain; You will never be forgotten.

"Safety" Scamera Partnerships;
Profitting from death and misery since 1993.

Believe nothing- Question everything.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:52 
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Good morning all. This is my first posting to these fora, and I would like to send my belated condolences to the partner and family of the late Paul Smith. I have heard a lot about this gentleman and his campaign for better road safety through my membership of another wide ranging forum.

I agree entirely with the late Paul Smith's views and would welcome a new initiative of driver training which would form part of a national curriculum aimed at teaching young people the rudiments of road safety at 5yrs old and progressively going up to vehicle control , so that the young person arrived at his/ her 16 th. birthday, and Driving Test Centre, with at least 10 years of learning "in the bank"

I believe that this method of early learning is current in the USA. My travels in that country have been limited to just 4 holidays,( in a rented "R/V") but my wife an I both commented on the high standard of driving and generally good standard of vehicle control we came across .

I will find the "newbie's" Forum where I will introduce myself further, so as not to clutter up this forum


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