This is Claire, Paul's partner (CL wife), we had a splendid 23.5 years together as a couple and 24yrs of companionship.
I miss him more than words can possibly say. We never let the sun go down on any argument (he was almost always right anyway!

. We always told each other how much we loved each other. We were together whether it was flying model helicopters, or trying to set up a photographic shot. I have seen Paul through some really hard times and some very successful ones.
To even think of him not being in my life is unbearable. I have seen him go from project to project and no matter what it was he worked harder than anyone else I know as he always committed to it 101% and it always paid off.
He could learn faster and better than many experts in whatever field it was that he decided to explore including marine tropical fish, herpotology, model cars & helicopters. Computer electronics enable him to understand just about any piece of equipment that you asked him about.
His knowledge was amazing. I tested him once, randomly opening the dictionary and asking for explanations of words, one included (and I forget what the word was !) but, he told me that is was an african club ! He was right too! I was stunned! Asking him how he could possibly know that he just gave me a big grin, and sheepishly said "I just do".
His great passion for driving was another hobby that we shared, and have spent 1000's of hours debating better methods and the best practice. We trusted each other totally, when driving and thoroughly enjoyed many many drives.
To my love, I miss you and will forever, until we meet again ... Claire