100+ wrote:
Thank you ALL, for ALL the contributions.
They are a great comfort to me, and will enable me to help ensure that Safe Speed stays here, and for me to concentrate, so that I can do all that I can, to develop it as Paul will have wished.
Thank you all for the flowers and the many cards too.
Do put your phone numbers (esp 01 or 02 - cheap to call), on cards and I will do my best to call you back.
I have had some wonderful words of comfort and some wonderful stories. It warms my heart and it would have tickled Paul pink that he was so admired and respected, along with so well loved.
Please let me know if you do not mind if I can display them in a book that I will take to the tribute meetings ?
He so loved doing the work and we have had thousands of discussion, about Safe Speed.
Thank you all so much.
I think displaying in a book would be a very fitting und lasting testament und lasting tribute to Paul.
He was a gentle man.. pleasant mannered .. just so friendly to talk to too.
Rest assured Claire.. you have pals out here who will help .. rally around to help.
You have great respect also in that you pledge to keep the work Paul started in the frame .. und it ups to us all to help keep this legacy und continue und progress the good work he started After all.. without questioning scams - no meets half ways in the Speed Aware courses to date. Whilst not ideal.. it part of the seed planting doubts as to how scams "change attitudes".. und Paulie for education/learning from error from the start..
You have love from the entire Swiss family who will try to meet up with you .. und make you some soup as well

(Ach.. it staple of the Swiss diet.. it ruddy cold in them Alps ..

Said on another thread on PH.. baking bread also calming. I knead bread und think of

I think you can guess

Paulie would approve ..
I am sure many will guess what I think of when I knead bread ...

Paulie guessed

in pm to me once