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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 23:42 
Friend of Safe Speed
Friend of Safe Speed

Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:01
Posts: 4813
Location: Essex

You should have received an e-mail earlier today before we got the site going again, advising that Claire is pleading for people who have automatic funds going to Paul, by paypal or bank transfer, to swap them to her account for now. She needs liquidity for so many things, so please don't stop payments, but please DO divert them to the new account (as per your e-mail), or send her a cheque to

Claire Armstrong,
Coast View
Hunting Hill
near Tain
IV19 1PE.

If you don't have a note of the account to hand and want to do the BACS transfer, ping a PM or email to any of the moderators and we'll be pleased to advise of it by return.

As per the e-mail, a little extra would always be welcomed.

Many thanks to you all in anticipation.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 20:31 
Gold Member
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 23:26
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Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK
Anther site -car manufacture site had bit about Paul - my post

Least I asked .

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 14:05 
Friend of Safe Speed
Friend of Safe Speed
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Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2004 23:09
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Location: Stockport, Cheshire
As Claire has mentioned in another thread, she has set up a PayPal account:

(all you need is the e-mail address to make a payment)

"Show me someone who says that they have never exceeded a speed limit, and I'll show you a liar, or a menace." (Austin Williams - Director, Transport Research Group)

Any views expressed in this post are personal opinions and may not represent the views of Safe Speed

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 Post subject: New member
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 21:52 

Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2007 19:54
Posts: 1
Location: East Sussex
Hi all

Thanks for the info; paid my new members fee to claires account

Kind regards


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 23:15 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 02:17
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Thank you ALL, for ALL the contributions.
They are a great comfort to me, and will enable me to help ensure that Safe Speed stays here, and for me to concentrate, so that I can do all that I can, to develop it as Paul will have wished.
Thank you all for the flowers and the many cards too.

Do put your phone numbers (esp 01 or 02 - cheap to call), on cards and I will do my best to call you back.

I have had some wonderful words of comfort and some wonderful stories. It warms my heart and it would have tickled Paul pink that he was so admired and respected, along with so well loved.

Please let me know if you do not mind if I can display them in a book that I will take to the tribute meetings ?

He so loved doing the work and we have had thousands of discussion, about Safe Speed.
Thank you all so much.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 00:11 
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2005 23:28
Posts: 1940
100+ wrote:
Thank you ALL, for ALL the contributions.
They are a great comfort to me, and will enable me to help ensure that Safe Speed stays here, and for me to concentrate, so that I can do all that I can, to develop it as Paul will have wished.
Thank you all for the flowers and the many cards too.

Do put your phone numbers (esp 01 or 02 - cheap to call), on cards and I will do my best to call you back.

I have had some wonderful words of comfort and some wonderful stories. It warms my heart and it would have tickled Paul pink that he was so admired and respected, along with so well loved.

Please let me know if you do not mind if I can display them in a book that I will take to the tribute meetings ?

He so loved doing the work and we have had thousands of discussion, about Safe Speed.
Thank you all so much.

I think displaying in a book would be a very fitting und lasting testament und lasting tribute to Paul.

He was a gentle man.. pleasant mannered .. just so friendly to talk to too.

Rest assured Claire.. you have pals out here who will help .. rally around to help.

You have great respect also in that you pledge to keep the work Paul started in the frame .. und it ups to us all to help keep this legacy und continue und progress the good work he started After all.. without questioning scams - no meets half ways in the Speed Aware courses to date. Whilst not ideal.. it part of the seed planting doubts as to how scams "change attitudes".. und Paulie for education/learning from error from the start..

You have love from the entire Swiss family who will try to meet up with you .. und make you some soup as well :wink: (Ach.. it staple of the Swiss diet.. it ruddy cold in them Alps .. :wink:)

Said on another thread on PH.. baking bread also calming. I knead bread und think of :twisted: I think you can guess :lol: Paulie would approve ..:lol:

I am sure many will guess what I think of when I knead bread ... :wink: Paulie guessed :wink: in pm to me once :lol:

Nicht ganz im Lot!
Ich setze mich immer wieder in die Nesseln! Der Mad Doc ist mein Mann! Und ich benutzte seinen PC!

UND OUR SMILEYS? Smile ... und the the world smiles with you.
Smiley guy seen when you read
Fine me for Safe Speed
(& other good causes..)

Greatest love & Greatest Achievements Require Greatest Risk
But if you lose the driving plan - don't lose the COAST lesson.
Je ne regrette rien

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:48 

Joined: Mon May 07, 2007 14:05
Posts: 498
Is the Join page updated to send the money to Claire now? I went to join the Ordinary monthly membership yesterday but realised it might still be pointing to Paul... is this the case? If so how do I join with a monthly ordinary membership?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 13:25 
Life Member
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Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 22:02
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Claire is still having fun trying to FTP updated pages to the web site.
Hopefully a few more days.

Does Roger have access?

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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