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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 16:35 
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Express wrote:
Tesla driver dies after crash in autopilot mode
CAR drives into truck while in self-driving mode in Florida.
By Craig Thomas
PUBLISHED: 10:53, Fri, Jul 1, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:11, Fri, Jul 1, 2016

A Tesla Model S was involved in a car crash whilst it was driving in Autopilot mode

A Tesla Model S has been involved in fatal crash in the US while driving in autonomous Autopilot mode, prompting questions about the safety of self-driving cars.

The collision occurred on May 7 in Williston, Florida when the car crashed into a truck, resulting in the death of the driver.

This is the first death linked to one of the brand's cars in what it claims is over 130m miles of semi-autonomous driving.
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In a blog post published yesterday on the company’s website, Tesla said: “What we know is that the vehicle was on a divided highway with Autopilot engaged when a tractor trailer [articulated lorry] drove across the highway perpendicular to the Model S.

"Neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so the brake was not applied.
"The high ride height of the trailer, combined with its positioning across the road and the extremely rare circumstances of the impact, caused the Model S to pass under the trailer, with the bottom of the trailer impacting the windshield of the Model S.”

Tesla believes that the advanced crash safety system fitted to the Model S would have prevented serious injury if the front of the car had the hit truck itself.

The customer who died in this crash had a loving family and we are beyond saddened by their loss

Tesla's Autopilot mode is still in beta (test) mode and the company reminds drivers that they should keep their hands on the wheel, pay attention to what’s happening on the road around them and be prepared to take control of the vehicle if required.

Tesla said in a statement: “The customer who died in this crash had a loving family and we are beyond saddened by their loss.

"He was a friend to Tesla and the broader EV community, a person who spent his life focused on innovation and the promise of technology and who believed strongly in Tesla's mission.

The autonomous driving mode was activated when the car collided with a truck

This is the first death linked to one of the brand's cars

"We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.”

The carmaker has informed the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which has opened a preliminary investigation.
Very sadly it was only a matter of time ! :(
Why do they have to prove disengagement of driving will distract people and see them KSI from inattention!? :(
I dare say that they will carry on anyway much to my great disappointment.

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 18:36 
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The Tesla Autopilot system requires the "driver" to be always alert and prepared to take over from the system in the event of an unexpected event. This completely negates the suggested benefits of autonomous vehicles. You may as well drive it yourself in this case. Most people think that this development is along the lines of get in, program the satnav, settle down to read a book, get out at the other end. This level of operation will take a very long time to deliver.

The other issue which will flow from this fatality is a legal case to decide where the liability lies in the event of an accident. If the liability is with the car occupant (I won't call them the driver) this will also fatally damage the introduction of driverless technology as who is going risk their liberty and assets by trusting a computer? Would you?

Malcolm W.
The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not represent the views of Safespeed.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 15:32 
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Malcolm, I posted something similar a long time ago, about spatial awareness. I find it on the roads in town, where ,possibly I'm not driving the correct size of car etc, in supermarkets , regularly. In stores, I use ether my own mobility scooter, or one from the store, and almost every day ( particularly Thursday/Friday & Saturday), I have to be very aware, as it's a regular thing to have to fend off ladies walking backwards with no thought of what's behind them, and almost ending up on my lap. Nice young thing would be nice :D , but these are usually 20 stone heavyweights, who would no doubt blame me for stopping behind them, being blocked from moving anywhere as my progress is impeded by my some dozy old bat chatting to her mate.
On the roads is another thing. I was taught to look at every other driver as an accident about to drive into my car. Has that car ,about to move off, seen me. Bus/ 7.5 Tonner at a junction- do they need extra space, to get around the junction? But that is driver education, sadly lacking in the constant production line of driver tuition, where the be all and end all is to teach drivers to pass the test, and if teaching safe driving is not on the agenda, then TOUGH. There was a program ( TOP GEAR,I think), where auto braking was featured. Sadly MOST vehicles( especially top end ones ) FAILED .

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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