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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 00:20 
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 23:26
Posts: 9265
Location: Treacletown ( just north of M6 J3),A MILE OR TWO PAST BEDROCK ... 59626.html
But who was at fault- a pedestrian more interested and focused on a phone call than road safety. or a cyclist with a defective cycle.
Then as a knee jerk ... 57996.html
But then ,
During the trial, prosecutors had to rely on an 1861 law that was designed to cover offences by drivers of horse-drawn carriages, because there are currently no charges that apply specifically to cyclists who cause death or injury.
The Government is to carry out an “urgent” review of laws covering reckless cycling after a spate of road incidents involving bikes, ministers have announced.

The probe will consider whether dangerous driving laws that currently apply only to people in motorised vehicles should be extended to cyclists.

perhaps, now we will see PCSO doing one of the jobs that they were brought into doing- police cyclists.

Good- I'm an interested party as twice in the past couple of days, I've had idiots on bikes cause me problems.
First one- I spotted him texting with both hands on the pavement, as I passed him. As I turned into my daughter's road, I had passengers check out for him -no sign. Then as I crept down daughter's road ( parked hazards all round), I spotted it on the road, behind me . I stopped to let a car park , and lo- idiot went past me on the off side with little space between my car and the one parked on the pavement. NO thought for what mighthappen if I opened door, yet there is a cyclists petition about door opening on cyclists.
Second ones- similar situation- narrow road, car parking, so I stop to let it park. Two cyclists decide it's
time tp play silly B both sides of me. One misses car parking, the other narrowly missed a car turning left into the road.
Before the resident cycle troll surfaces- I've got both on in car cam and I'll be pleased to show it to shut him up.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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