Having just read sixy's post on another thread, she posted the words, "in the zone"!!!!!
I love that
Encapsulates the reasons why I love driving, that does!
Empty motorway at 1 a.m.? I am bored. Cruise control set to 75 ish, nice ambient temperature in the cabin, ClassicFM on the wireless? Bored. Boredboredbored.
Yesterday, on the way back from Rubery with some precious cargo (Mrs Sigma!), I was wired and loving it! A rammed M5 and M6, constantly adjusting speed and position for better forward visibility. Decided that coming off at J1 of M5 was the best option, and going via West Brom and Walsall to join the M6 at J9. From rammed motorway to congested urban roads. All the time adjusting speed, checking mirrors, maintaining safe distance, occasional courteousness letting drivers into a queue, appropriate use of throttle, brake, and gears. The M54 was trouble, as we hit it at rush hour which = outside lane doing 55mph with 2 feet between cars, and inside lane doing 55mph but usually with 1 mile of safety in front. No matter. Come off at J3 and use A roads to Telford.
I love being "in the zone" when driving.
I love being challenged by prevailing road conditions.
It makes you a better driver.