On at least two previous occasions SafeSpeed has been approachced and invited to "clean up" the forums, in particular where allegations/statement had been made by one or more SafeSpeed members suggesting that an individual working for the CSCP had lied or had professed knowledge above station.
On the first occasion there was so much to deal with that I missed the deadline and forums were taken off the air by our ISP for a while.
On subsequent occasions I have, variously, asked members to assist with editing their posts to eliminate inflammatory references, edited posts myself and, where excess posts were affected in a thread, I removed threads entirely. I was - and remain - grateful for members' help during these phases of our evolution.
Today a further request has been received, taking exception to hybrid names, clearly referring to Mr Callaghan, but incorporating syllables from words he has previously taken vehement exception to. With the underlying risk of board closure, it is my duty to deal with this as a real threat. Once again I will therefore spend time away from the campaign eliminating the unacceptable (to CSCP) references.
Could I please extend a final plea to all members not to make these subtle slurs, no matter what your respective beliefs? As you can see, all it does is precipitate complaints, and subsequently presents SafeSpeed moderators (me so far!) with not insignificant work to smooth the paths.
I shall be working through the early hours to cover the most recent concerns. If anyone has any queries on this issue or my activities resulting from it, please in the first instance direct them to me - OFF GROUP.
Finally, to anyone who takes umbrage to my editing their posts, please accept my apology and note that this is not my preferred method, but is expedient in the circumstances. No posts will have their main thrust altered in any way as a result of this exercise.
Last edited by Roger on Thu Apr 12, 2007 02:20, edited 1 time in total.