Hi there, I'm 17 years old and based in North Wales.
North Wales...exactly. I currently (touch wood) have no points on my licence, but I daily come accross Talivans parked round corners/idden in dustbins etc. Therefore, I am constantly look at my speedo, more than my mirrors.
I have a habit of driving exactly to the speed limit. I often feel imtimidated at times, because I am quite obviously going to slow for the road conditions. However, I AM sticking to the speed limit.
It was only until the other day when I took my dad in the car with me when he said that I was going far too fast on the corners and on certain roads.
My Response..... "But I'm not speeding"
Now I know that speed doesnt kill, unsafe driving does. However I belive I have been brainwashed into driving at the speed limit and constantly looking at my speedometer.
What do I do?
Do I drive safely, looking for hazards, children etc? - Therefore risking a fine and points on my licence... which at my age, would cost me hundreds in increased insurance premiums.
Or do I do as I'm doing now and constantly look at my speedoeter, oblivous to the road conditions and hazard perception?
Not that I intend to do thses faults, but I am a human being, I can only put a major concentration at one thing at a time. At the moment, it's my speedometer, ensuring I never go to the "dangerous" speed of 35 in a 30.
Quite clearly this fear of speed traps are making my driving unsafe, and im constantly trying to control my speed at the expensive of that extra 20-30% on hazard perception/ assesing the correct TRUE speed for road conditons.
Obviously the government / Richard Brunstrom dont care about my safety and others, as long as they are able to fine me. So I hope sensible people can advice me on this forum.
Oh, and a big shout out to Paul Smith - Legend! If I was PM, I'd appoint you head of motoring!