I've been slated on here more than once for adopting a policy of kerb hugging when turning left in this town,and a few others in the West Mids with roads of similar width. WHY? it's simple really. With the moronic driving standards caused by the idiotic authority view on what makes roads safer, can I trust the car on my right not to veer into my lane.NO. I notice the same principle in supermarkets as I do with cyclists. Bit of a cafuffle in an isle- folks waiting to see what others will do /just being polite. Sure enough, there's always one that will attempt to barge down the inside/outside,as they've no idea what is going on.
But then, this idea of banning lorries from turning left as there might be a suicidal person trying to get a quart into a pint pot is typical of TFL- I'm surprised with the THAMES getting higher that they don't bother about raising the barrier, but attempt to lower the river