So said our resident Troll.
Now we have cyclists have to take a riding test?
A new offence of "death by dangerous cycling" could be introduced as part of a review into cycle safety. So should cyclists also have to take a test before riding on UK roads?
A new offence of "death by dangerous cycling" could be introduced as part of a review into cycle safety. So should cyclists also have to take a test before riding on UK roads?
Transport Minister Jesse Norman said it was "only right" to consider imposing strict laws on cyclists, following the death of pedestrian Kim Briggs, who was struck by cyclist while crossing the road.
Charlie Alliston, who killed Mrs Briggs while riding a bike with no front brakes, was convicted under a Victorian law.
Although many more people are killed by drivers each year than cyclists, two pedestrians died and 96 were seriously injured after being hit by a bicycle in 2015.
Currently, anyone can pedal on UK roads, whether or not they have passed a cycling proficiency - the riding skills test renamed as Bikeability in 2007.
So is a "riding licence" the answer?
"People are more likely to die during a mile of walking than a mile of cycling, so does this mean we also need a pedestrian test?" says Roger Geffen, Cycling UK's campaigns director.
He argues attempts to force cyclists to do anything - such as bicycle helmet laws in Australia and New Zealand - have led to a drop in cycling.
"Let's not put barriers in the way," he says. "The benefits of cycling are huge."
And he believes a generation of adults - generally those in their mid-twenties and older - have "lost out" on learning basic cycle skills because it was simply not offered to them during childhood.
"For a number of years training wasn't available," he says.
"Cycling proficiency was around during the 1990s but it was patchy because it was run by local authorities."
I'd suggest the public are getting sick of the antics of rogue cyclists- I know I am .
Yesterday - I met a car parking, and stopped to let the driver continue with out problems from me. But not from the cyclist who almost collided with my car attempting to get through a space just wide enough for a cycle . I'd seen the hazard, but not idiot on cycle.
( I'll qualify this) - I'd seen this one on a side road, cycling without any hands on handlebars, whilst texting, and when I turned right, kept an eye open for him. He'd kept up & overtaken me as I drove down a street littered with hazards, and when I stopped to wonder what parker was doing, just kept straiggt on into a gap he'd got problems with/.
Today- similar situation- what I'd suggest was a new driver attempting to park. I stopped short to give the parker a bit of breathing space, as did the car comng round corner, and meeting this one on the other side of the road. Then we saw two cyclists deciding to pass me on bth sides and nearly get taken out by the car coming round corner. Great joke. Or so they thought.