anton wrote:
I know a few people who have a dubious records with drink drive
I know a couple of people who have fits or seisures who worry me driving
I dont know any one with a drug driving problem.
The fits or seisure catogory are very worying. one chap who convinced every one he was ok to drive had a fit at work. he didn't even have time to put his coffee down. Let alone time to bring a car to rest from 70.
He has been stopped from driving on a couple of occasions but got permission to drive again...
Think about the lost revenue if they were to insist on making it an offence to drive whilst on prescription drugs.
A lot of prescription drugs have no side affects effecting driving at all.
There would be a complete breakdown in community if you banned every one on blood pressure tablets, antibotics, the pill,
Impossible to say how far we are affected as metabolism ist different for each of us. We are all a lot of

Side effect - may depend on does too und foods eaten as well.

(Why we may recommend diet,,, in some cases... ist nothing to do with fact that patient may be a tub of lard

But to look at a few common prescription drug for cardiovascular system...
antarrhythmics (generics are amiodarone, dispyramide, flecaincide, lignocaine, mexiletine, procainamide, quinidiine, tocainide (Brand name mayt the generic)
But you must always tell doctor of any known disorder or allergy, suirgery of dental treatment - and if seeing dentist - you must inform as this can affect his choice of pain killer which he uses on you.. (They are not all like Olivier in "Marathon Man" (I have never quite liked the dentist since that scene

No matter.... side effects can be dizness or vision changes - und in case of amiodarone - avoid sunbathing and tanning machine as this can cause nasty rash....
Also if on such tablets - chew food slowly to release teh enzyme pytalin as this help digestion with these tablets... can cause the runs..
ANTI COAGULANTS - these help prevent blood clots - by interfering with Vitamin K
Generics are -- warfarin sodium, nicoumalone, pheindrone - typically. Any rise in body temperature when using these can be dangerous - so

to sauna und solarium,
Can make one dizzy or drowsy - so we advise against driving, working mit machinery, working on high building site as precaution.
ANTIHYPERTENSIVES - traditonally to treat high blood pressure - they do this by causing the wall of of blood vessel to expand und some inhibit teh conversion of substances within the body which cause the contraction of the blood vessels - thus causing the blood to flow more easily. Others cause blood vessel to expand by affecting the part of the brain which controls the walls of these blood vessels... ist complicated - ja! UNd you thought ist so easy to prescribe the right one... from GP point of view
These drugs can also be used to treat migraine as well...and blood circulation problem...
Generics are captrpril, clonidine, enalapril, hydralazine, indamide, indoramin, methyldopa...minoxidil und prazosin
(ist not wonder have spelling problems

) All the above do interact with other medicines - so you must tell doctor of any over counter taken and any homeopathic remedies...and tell the dentist as well...
You tell doctor if you note any water retention or swollen ankles, can cause gum disease - so essential to floss carefully und you feel hot und cold snaps more intensely.. in rare cases - can cause dizzy feeling - but not usual side effect. Thus - fairly safe to drive whilst on this medication - but do not drive if you expereince any diszzy feeling - see doctor as prolonged use may be cause and he can monitor over change of medication.
These interfere with the action of stimulating hormones in the nervous system This slow down the strenght of heart's contractions und reduces oxygen requirements and vloume of blood heart has to pump. Hiogh bllod pressure can be treated with beta blocker because these increase the diameter of the blood vessels allowing blood to flow more easily
These also have diuretic which help reduce bllod presure - only you pee a bit more. We use these for heart problem, angina, bad circulation and migraine as well.
Generics are acebutolol, antenolol, betaxalol, labetalol, metoprolol, nadolol, oxprenolol, timolol. sotalol, penbutolol...
All can cause drowsiness in some patients (not uncommon - wears off after three quarter hour - would always plan journey on this basis )

- ist essential to be aware of self , tooth decay, vision disturbances in some and essential to mention to doctor as brand may be problem und we need to try one of the others for you. - labetalol ist one which has most severe side effect... Trandrate and Labracol brands are based on this generic.
Prolonged use may result in nightmares or sleep disturbances - so again need to see doctor over this - for change to milder or prescription which ist more suitable to your metabolism.
Driving only problem for thos on lebetalol as norm....
Calcium antagonists, (angina)/blood pressure)
generics - dilitiazem, lidoflaine, nicardipine, nifedipine, verapimil
cardiac glycosides and digitalis drugs rareely cause dizziness or drowsiness -
Antibiotics - depend on type - but common ones rearely cause much drowsy problem - ist question of reading label und listening to pharmacist und doctor - ist more common that they cause nausea which can affect driving - ist better to wait for one hour before driving if you experience any of this after taking common antibioitc.
I am sure you ment mind altering drugs. May be they need a clear identifier like a red packet or a logo or a warning as big as the "smoking kills" on a pack of ciggies. however some of these drugs are only a problem in large quantities. A 1% dose may calm a person so that they drive at near perfect. a 50% dose of the same drug may make them leathal.. does the packet get the same label?
Antidepressants - again drowsiness ist inital but passes within hour - and you would be safe to drive on that basis - but usually this occurs if mixed with alocohol or overdosed. Prolonged use can damage liver over time.. so important to keep check on this.
There are number of such drugs which are on prescription - but normally patient would be too ill to drive anyway if on these ....
As for the illegal opiates which do affect mind to great exten - causing euphoria und extrem mood swing... ist probably the most dangerous und most of these drive on cocktail of mix of these drugs and drink...why they should never be readily avalailable und why eduication programme should be about seeking one's thrills without resorting to wasting one's life by tying down to a habit which you may think you can control - but reality tells us otherwise.