It is doing well - 23,310 at the last count.
We really need to register more signatures than any previous electronic petiion. Please post the link with a small message on every forum or website you can find and send the following text by e-mail to everybody in your address book:
Please sign the online petition against the government proposal to introduce road pricing.
This proposal will force you to buy a tracking device for your car – costing up to £200 which will record your every movement. It will know where you have been, where you are and how fast you are going. It will transmit all this information to a central office where they will use it to send you a monthly bill – and most likely a monthly summons for speeding.
In a recent trial, a Mum who used the car to take the kids to schools was billed £89 (in one month) as she used the car at peak times.
The minimum charge was £28 for a rural driver who hardly used the car.
If you are a company car driver, the bill with all your travel details will go to your company, so your every move will be reported, including your private use.
If we don’t stop this now – all drivers will be paying far more than today and the government will know your every move.
The petition is already doing very well – over 23,000 people have signed. Please make sure the government cannot ignore this.
Please sign and pass this on to everyone in your address book.
Thank you for all your support - road pricing needs to be stopped.
Peter Roberts