r11co wrote:
AndyRadstock wrote:
(e) Impossibility of accounting for the past 150 years of climate without man-made GHGs.
Bollocks. The best estimate we have for the age of Planet Earth is 345 billion years. I'm sure there's plenty that has gone on in that time that we have no explanation for, so perhaps you'd like to blame us for it?! Oh, hang on, we've only been here 24 million years.
Best estimate was 4.56 Billion years last I heard. During which time the climate has changed from having the planet almost entirely frozen solid - around 600 million years ago - to having the sea level 100 meters higher than today, with forests all the way to the poles.
Climate has changed due to changes in the sun, changes in the Earth's orbit, changes in tectonic plate configuration, uplift of mountains, changes in the biosphere, and several other processes. This shows, amongst other things, that the climate of the planet is quite sensitive. And if a natural process such as a slight change in solar output can have an effect, then why not man made green house gasses, which we know to be a stronger influence (basic physics)?
Modern humans have been around for around 50-100,000 years, 24 million years ago we were still flinging dung at each other.
r11co wrote:
The arrogance of statements like those above just make me despair at the ignorance and narrow mindedness of the people who make them. Perhaps sacrificing some lambs or your first-born son might have as much effect as anything else you are proposing, seeing as you are just speculating on the cause....
Probably best not to accuse a petroleum geologist of ignorance after getting the age of the Earth wrong by a foctor of 100 or so..
And no, I don't like the way that some of the greens use Global warming to push an anti-industrial agenda; I know full well that wind farms are a waste of time, biofuels are worse than useless and the further reaches of the green movement has some very disturbing ideas on population reduction.
But that dosen't stop the science behind AGW being accurate.