I think there were some statistics from the US Airforce in the early 70's, they mandated the use of seatbelts after finding they were losing more flightcrew per year through vehicle deaths than in combat (during the Vietnam war).
Conditions for airforce vehicles in active service are rather different from those on the public highway though.
I wonder if these stories are all about the same person?
I have a document which lists many, many instances where a seat belt has killed or resulted in serious injury, from all over the U.S. and the U.K. The evidence is there for anyone who seeks it out, beyond the very one-sided pro-belt stance which is all one finds in the mainstream media and safety campaigns these days.
At least during the passage of the first law and immediately after (remember the U.K. law was passed initially for a trial period only) there was better coverage of the downsides. Today, people have become so conditioned to the "seat belts save" mantra that they're willing to dismiss any other ideas as being the realms of fantasy and kooks.
I remember back in the mid-1980s, for example, when doctors reported that since the passage of the law they were seeing more accident victims brought to them suffering from Hangman's Fracture. In many of these cases the collisions were otherwise sufficiently minor that the people would almost certainly survived, albeit with injuries, had they not had their necks broken by the seatbelt.
he had to brake suddenly and unfortuneately the cab tilted forward throwing his young son out of the window, resulting in the truck running him over and killing him instantly.
A terrible accident, but surely the primary cause was a faulty tilting cab mechanism which was not secured properly?
in the past 12 months I have been to umpteen serious and fatal collisions where seatbelts have not been worn, and if they would have been then I know for sure that they would still be with us today, all be it probably have suffered serious injury but survivable ones.
But how about the ones where the seat belt has made the injuries worse, or even caused a death which would not have otherwise occurred?
In the case of belts causing severe internal injuries, it's often the case that the victim does not die for a considerable time after the accident, certainly long after the police, ambulance crew, and other emergency teams have forgotten all about it. I would suggest that this might color your view of the situation somewhat, because you get to see the ones who were killed instantly, or who died at the scene.