Smeggy, you surprise me!
They watch us, on cctv in many public places (it also films them), as they say to us, "If you're doing nothing wrong you've nothing to fear"
I had some fun getting photo evidence for a Mersey Tunnels speeding defence (from public, not tunnels land), I was
often approached by members of their private Police force and told I could not take photo's as it was against 'byelaws', I would ask them to quote the byelaw after radioing HQ they would quote ' commercial photography is not permitted without the consent...', my response 'this is not commercial I am an amatuer/ it's legal / what evidence do you have I am a commericial photographer etc.'.
I often upate my signs photo's of the tunnels should another defendant require them (they film me on their cctv), as god bless them they are trying to get them right, new better spaced repeaters, But they haven't spotted two fatal flaws (one only at night).
Their Inpsector hassled me last time about taking photo's of his officers, then got his camera out to photo me
, so it's game on.
back to the video, the guy was flapping and he knew he was right, but there was no telling the cop (a bit like explaining the law to lay Magistrates).
Neither seemed like the sharpest knives.
If he does this regularly, he should have some reahearsed lines,
"Which way did Pat and Carl go?"
"BBC! you're live on News 24 Copwatch"
or if you really want to worry them
"I'm working for Mark Thomas"