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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 16:46 
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Ok here goes short report
6-nil to barry culshaw on signing of side roads
envelope argument won
1 to be heard tomorrow, rest on thursday
breif report
the court heard from the copper that he drove the site both ways and checked the terminal and repeater signs.
under questioning he admitted he did not check al the side roads.
he also said that he had raised issues of signing with Dr Marion Sinclair of the safety camera partnership and she took no action.
He did not raise the errors with hampshire county council (for what ever reason) he mentioned it to the HCC rep that attended partnership meetings.

Expert Graham Carter from HCC tried to convince the court that TSRGD was guidlines on road signing.
Barry culshaw wrapped him up to conceed that section8 &9 of the road traffic act states that terminal signs must be in place from a side road to a faster road UNLESS there were repeaters in BOTH directions within 100m. (advised by Richard Bentley, expert)

section 85.1 of the rta act states cannot be convicted of speeding unless adiquate system of signs in place.

District Judge Gillimore ruled that
1. section 82.5 of the 1984 rta act stated there was a duty on HCC to erect and maintain a system of signs for the secretary of state for transport.

2. section 8&9 of tsrgd 2002 had NOT bee complied with (due to missing signs)

3, section 8 & 9 are mandatory
4, he was bound by section 85.4 of the rta act 1984 (which says if the signs are not there you cannot be prosicuted.)

that the envelope argument is correct as the regulatuins clearly define the situation for side roads.
lead case for mr colman won.

Distric judge also said. "defining moment was when MR carter of HCC admitted that the start of the limit was not legaly started."
messers Allen, Colman, Alkland, Handcock, Knight and Walsh cases dismissed and costs awarded

these cases refer to A27 titchfeild

tomorrow is A27 cams hill

thursday is A27 eastern way , western way

trying to get wave 105 and portsmouth news there tomorrow

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

Last edited by anton on Mon Jan 07, 2008 18:07, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 19:40 
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Pc Harrison stated that he was not a signing expert, however it is a BIG issue that he raised the signing errors at two locations and Dr Marion Sinclair seniors said "terminal signs not required at those locations" when asked who Seniors were stated Dr Sinclair.
When asked why he did not go to HCC he said he asked HCC employee who attended as liaison with camera partnership.

I would like to call for Dr Marion Sinclair's (check spelling?) resignation as head of Hampshire Safety Camera Partnership as the evidence revealed that she was informed of signing errors and ignored them. allowing innocent motorists to be wrongly prosecuted in their greedy hunt for £60 fixed penalties. She failed to ensure accurate prosicutions.

It is quite clear that hundreds of innocent motorists have been caught up in their sloppy setting up of a money grabbing speed camera route.

District judge Gillibrand dismissed the cases as the offence never occurred as the limit did not start. Therefore repeater signs could not repeat the limit.

The safetey camera partnership have continued to enforce an limit that is improperly signed despite being told by thier own police officers and receiving a detaild defence report 11 months ago. They have convicted motorists that were not guilty knowingly.

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

Last edited by anton on Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:01, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 07:43 
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October 8th 2007
These notes were made by Anton from the public gallery at court room 7.
They are as accurate as & true I could make them. Unless in Quotes marks they may not be the exact words but always true in context. (Please note I am a diagnosed dyslexic apology for typos)

People present
District Judge Gillibrand (dj)
Prosecuting solicitor (name unknown) (pros)
Lead Defending solicitor: Barry Culshaw (Blake lapthorn) (bc)
Expert signing witness Richard Bentley (assisted Barry Culshaw but did not speak to the court)
Solicitor Mr Hodson (sol)
Hcc expert witness Graham Carter (gc)
Police witness PC Harrison (pc)

Non speaking
5 defendants
Mr wells of the safety camera unit
2 other police officers
My self and court staff

Solicitor asked for Mr Allen to be allowed to leave

The prosecution laid out the case.

They read out the charge that Mr Colman was alleged to have travelled at 56 in a 40 on Southampton rd Titchfield on ??/??/2005

It was established that Mr Colman’s case was a test case and the others would hinge on the result as they were detected by a camera van parked at the same location at different dates.

They presented a long coloured map of the sites with 40 limits in yellow and 30 limits in blue.

She stated the issues to be faced and identified that the defence would claim that if one sign was defective then the whole site would be incorrect and un-enforceable.
The crown view was that that thee was no “case law” and the broad interpretation was that 85.4 of the RTA ACT (ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1984) no speed limit signs=shall not be convicted. A lack of such signs cannot be streaked to signs that drivers have not passed? I say signs comply with TSRGD 2002
Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 3113, The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002)

Section 1 states that on major roads the secretary of state is responsible to erect signs
Section 2 states size, colour, type and design

You will see the lengthy map all on A27. Part 1 we will focus on Titchfield.

She asks the bench: the defence plans to refer to Mr Lyus and his opinion in their defence, He is not present today he has not seen the signs and “it would be inadmissible hearsay” I plan to present pc Harrison & Mr carter of HCC.

The Pc took the stand somewhat over dressed to impose with stab vest loaded with goodies like phones, radio etc he had fully loaded tool belt with pouches including hand cuffs.

The DJ invited him to refer to his notebook of notes made on the day and established that they were made on the day. Pc answered yes.

Pros. Can you explain what you did on the day?
Pc from the start of duty including pre checks or on site?
Pros from pre checks
Pc I started at the station when I did fixed distance check measured by (trading standards?)
BC interrupted: We have accepted the measured speed in all these cases we really want to move on to the signing evidence.
(bc was trying to save the court time and money as all the disputed speed cases had been split off into another trial)
DJ agreed:
pc I go to the sight and check all the signage is in place, I drive the route and turn around and check the other way
BC : How many signs?
Pc: terminal and repeater signs? He then went on to list a mental list of the signs and repeaters along the route , turning round, another list and then parking in his police van bay.

BC How can you be sure
Pc if either of them, any of them are not present then I would abandon and go to another site.
BC can I confirm you go west to east A27 turn and go east to west then to lay-by?
Pc yes
BC Terminal signs, repeater signs and change of limit?
Pc Yes
BC Do you check side roads
Pc only on a weekly cycle (indicated approximately), Gosport road, not every time
(note: there are lots of side roads 25+)
BC Ranvilles lane 30 junction. Do you inspect that junction?
Pc I drive past it
Bc Do you check that junction?
Pc I do not drive into it

Bc shared some books of photos round the court
He then referred to photo 17
Is that a photo of the junction we are talking about?
Photo 18 is that the exit from ranvilles lane
Do you see a 40 sign there?
Pc no
Pc exiting from a30 to a 40 terminal signs are not required if repeater signs within 40m (might have said 100m, I wrote 40m)
Bc pc Harrison is correct in hi understanding of the law terminal signs are not required if there are repeaters within 100m in both directions
Bc what repeater signs are present? Do you know the distance?
Pc no
Bc If I told you the repeater sign was 256m west would you accept that
Pc I have not measured it
Bc are there any signs east?
Pc No, there is a 30 sign
Bc legal requirements are not met
Pc accepted
Bc what signs should have been in place?
Pc I am not a signing expert
Bc we shall move on to photo 25
Exiting the gyratory system ... &ay=105970
photo 25
can you explain the limit change, 30 limit photo 26?
Pc only one sign.bc surprised?
Pc not particularly.
Bc photo 27 only one sign
Bc do you visit titchfield village
Pc yes
Photo 28 back of signs
Bc are there any 40 signs
Pc there are repeater signs, I would suggest they are within 100m
Bc to the other direction ? are there any signs east
Bc suggests there are not
Pc (struggles)
Bc clarifies route, no repeaters
Pc suggests “central verge”
Pc Possibly none?
Bc photo 36, view of Southampton hill to Southampton rd, how far east of the junction
Pc 150-200m
Bc Cars can turn east or west, what would be on the back of the 30 sign? & the lorry restriction signs
Pc end of weight limit sign
Bc photo 39 repeater sign and camera sign side on to motorist aimed at motorists on the a27
Bc no change to signing?
Pc yes, they have changed signing to co-locate camera and speed signs
(it was established that they were installed after these cases but not relevant, just meting rule changes brought in after these cases)
Bc, thank you officer.

Pros when were signs changed?
Pc in 2006, after 2005
Pros checking side roads, why only once a week?
Pc it would take along time (might have said “forever”)
Pc the main a27 is signed
Pros referred to picture 38 You drove into that road
Pc seniors said “sign not required”
BC you asked if it should have paired terminal signs?
Pc I questioned the manager of the partnership
Bc who
Pc Marion Sinclair
Bc Dr Marion Sinclair
Bc you did not think to ask the county council
I asked HCC employee who attended on a visit as liaison
(HCC are part of the camera partnership and attend steering committee meetings)
Sol asked pc about lorry limit end sign that was so faded that the lorry was not visible leaving 5 thin diagonal stripes looking like a national speed limit sign from a distance.

Pc allowed to leave, available within 1 hour.

Hcc signing expert Graham Carter

Into: Group manager for traffic Hcc
Pros checks, How did you comply with the regulations
Gc HCC follows the regulations as far as possible
Pros how strict are they
Gc picked up tsrgd illustrated that they were 2” thick said they were guidance not regulatory
Pros as far as you are able
Gc gave an example that where requirement for lighting of terminal signs within 50m of a street light they weren’t always able to complete the lighting due to the slow delivery of the electricity supply.
Dj we are dealing with the issue of traffic emerging from side roads
Bc we have conceded terminal sign illumination is not an issue as it was day time.
Pros “advisory”?
GC it has been a 40 limit a long time since 1981 and an older traffic order going back to the 1960’s
Dj not the issue
Gc regulations require the terminal and repeater signs and tsrgd give advice and guidance
Pros statutes encouraged to follow
Gc guidance would be ideal to following ideal situation
Pros by who?
Gc Department for transport (dft)
Gc we follow regulations based on guidance and advice
Pros you said signage compliant, refers back to photo 30 , view along a27 west direction, Why compliant?
(missed reply…possibly about section 9……)
Bc one area of agreement is that if not complied with then section 8 needs to be 100% complied with.
Pros Where is the terminal sign that this repeats
Gc past highlands rd
Photo 15
“Camera warning signs + externally illuminated 40 signs”
Pros between the terminal sign and the gyratory, are there any 30 limits
Gc it is 40 all along
(one of the defendants stressed to bc it was not, bc indicated he would deal with that issue later)
Bc asked gc if he was colleagues with Mr Lyus at the department for transport?
Gc yes
Bc Who is lyus?
Gc “Expert on signing at the department for transport, guru”
Bc my very word Guru
If we can go to a set of PowerPoint slides produced by lyus

Photo 17&18 ranvilles lane in and out
Bc lets be aware of section 8
They are directions
Directions from the dft to highways agencies
Bc what does the directions ask you to do here?
gc a pair of 40 signs or repeater signs at a maximum 100m
bc this guidance is a direction
gc it has flexibility
bc what flexibility? (snapped)
leaflet produced on spacing of repeaters
bc not section 8 or 9?
Gc yes
Bc has not complied with section 8?
Gc silence
Bc has not complied with section 8?
Gc silence
Bc can we visit section 8
Bc page 415 of Wilkinson’s 8.1
List of diagram signs
8.3. What is the secretary of state for transport directing Hampshire county council to do with that direction?
Gc place terminal signs
Bc paired terminal signs (statement not question)
Gc No guidance states lower to higher, not required, repeater within 100m
Bc that is section 9 not guidance it is law
Gc yes
Bc if it does not comply with section 8 it must comply with section 9

Bc tried to refer to lyus diagrams
Pros objected. Mr lyus was not there to give his commentary that accompanied the slide and did not necessarily know they were being used.
After consideration dj accepted they would be accepted to help him understand the issues but would not bee seen as evidence only illustrations of how a junction could be signed from the “guru” as to how section 8&9 apply.

Bc continued: I am looking for understanding section 8 & 9.
Bc do you accept that diagram
Gc yes
Next diagram, do you accept that diagram
Gc yes, with the proviso 20 m is not always possible
Sometimes there are electric cables in the way
( he was referring to a sign that must be placed within 20m of a junction)
Bc it is not there any way
Bc Higher limit on other road
Bc that is ranvilles rd (diagram that represents the ranville rd layout)
Gc except you cant turn right from ranvilles rd
Bc that is section 8,
Gc section 9 95b
Bc dosent say “may” says “have been placed”
Gc mr lyus has needed to clarify then it may need interpretation
Gc repeaters would be nonsensical in that location as you cannot turn right
Bc is there a sign to the left within 100m
Gc not sure what was theree in 2005
Bc mr Bentley has measured it
Bc has it complied with section 9?
Gc yes
Bc has it?
Gc no
(brief delay to get dj up to speed on the location of this verbal exchange)
Dj no 40 sign until you enter thegyratory?
Bc what terminal signs
Gc no terminal signs
(big grin moment from defendants)

Lets move to titchfeild photo 25
Bc no terminal signs visable
Gc that is not the motorists view
Bc what is the distance
Gc 20m
Bc the 40 limit is terminated by 30, how far is the sign
No reply
Bc 65m
Gc depends where you measure from
Bc photo 28,29 is there any signs 30 to 40
Gc no
Bc do you see a repeater
Gc there is no east sign , it is the gyratory (big one way roundabout)
Bc if you cannot comply with section 9 then what must you do?
Gc you can apply to the secretay of state but it would be nonsense
Bc you could erect twin signs
Gc don’t agree with interpretation, I think it complies sufficiently, as there is no right turn
Bc if you cant comply with section 9 then you must comply with section 8
You haven’t complied with section 95b then you are thrown back to section 8
The signing is not lawfull
Gc sufficient to comply
Bc under what discression?
Gc cant turn right
Bc where does it say that in section 9
Gc it dosent
Bc section 8 not been done
Gc no

Dj so a stranger driving through Titchfield would not know what the limit was until the 30 limit
Gc thinks they would because of the repeaters
Bc motorists would not know of 40 limit until the 30 limit
Gc no

Photos 37 &38
Bc what speed limit signing
Gc none within Southampton hill, 40 repeater left a more or less opposite
Bc not visable to motorists turning right, they are side on to motorists. Pc Harrison was concerned about 2 junctions
Gc not my day to day responsibilities on signing
Bc I want to now go to your report “meets the requirements of trsgd” fails section 8 and 9 Are you saying the law is complied with?
Gc meets adequate signing, 3 repeaters
Bc it was not adequately started?
Bc has it?
Has it?
Gc squerms
Bc has the speed limit been started under section 8 or section 9
Gc no
Bc are you aware of section 85 regulations
Gc in general terms
Bc read out section 85.2
Secretary of state direction to erect signs and give motorist adequate guidance
Bc have there been any steps to rectify missing signs
Gc no

Sol photo 18
Sol no 40 terminal sign + repeater at 240 m
Sol see the give way sign next to that a white sign it is supposed to be sign 622.2 only it is very faded (622.2 is the end of the lorry weight limit)
Gc matter for interpretation
Sol the black diagonal lines on grey, the lorry’s faded it can be mistaken for a national speed limit sign?
Gc I don’t think so
Sol no further questions.
Pros does the motorist have to pass a terminal sign to be advised?
Gc yes
Pros are there signs that initiate the limit
Gc on the a27 yes

Break for 5 min

Bc the starting point (for legislation)
Section 85 of the road traffic act 1984
85.1 Adequate guidance
It is the duty of the secretary of state for roads under his authority, trunk roads& motorways
85.2 any other roads are the duty of highways authority (hcc) to alter or remove signs
This is enshrined in tsrgd
Section 8 &9 terminal signing. Page 10 defines signs
8.1 refers to 670 sign
8.3 refers to single carriageway roads how to terminate and start limits
It is not guidance it is direction.
It is the law.
The only variance to section 8 is section 9.

If the limit is not lawfully signed a repeater cannot repeat an unsigned limit

Section 85.4 (of the rta act) states that if there is no such system of signing then a motorist shall not be convicted

85.4 Binds you to acquit
Sol I adopt that argument.

Pros 85.4 states “the road” not “any road”
“The road”….. The road you were travelling on
Thee is no evidence to indicate route
Bc does not meet “means rea” (note: prosecutions’ job to prove route not defendants to prove route not travelled)
Dj that’s right

Adjourned to wait for judges decision

R v Coleman 8/10/07 by DJ Gillibrand
Four steps to the decision
1. s.85(2) imposes duty on Hampshire County Council to erect and maintain etc traffic signs which comply with directions of Secretary of State for Transport.
2. I am satisfied that Directions 8 and 9 of TSRAGD 2002 have not been
complied with at Southampton Hill, Titchfield gyratory system and Ranvilles Lane, all side roads off A27.
3. I am equally satisfied that Directions 8 and 9 are mandatory, not advisory.
4. 1 am dealing with submission of no case to answer. I regard myself as bound by s.85(4) RTRA 1984. I regard that section as having a natural and obvious meaning. I propose to give it that obvious and natural meaning and not some strange reflection on when a speed limit rather artificially starts and ends or how a particular m/v arrives on the relevant road, being A27. 1 take that view because Regulations make it absolutely clear that the requirements in relation to traffic signs, whether terminal or repeater, relate specifically to side roads and as a consequence 1 find that so far as Mr Coleman is concerned, there is no case to answer.
As an aside I am persuaded that the envelope argument is correct. I say as an aside because it strikes me that my decision supports that contention because that is what the law says.
When Mr Carter was being cross-examined I thought it a significant answer to the question, which was that signing of speed limit, was not lawfully started, when he conceded that that was the case.

(this statemet allso covers the two aditional defendants
8 in total)

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

Last edited by anton on Tue Oct 09, 2007 15:12, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:58 
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Another two people found not guilty today. cams hill area of a27 fareham (mr bush and mr le-meastre)
round three thursday am easten way
friday the laser expert is warned for 1 case. all other lasere disputed cases have been dismissed

This is as big a case as folly bottom!

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 16:47 
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anton wrote:
Pc Harrison stated that he was not a signing expert, however it is a BIG issue that he raised the signing errors at two locations and Dr Marion Sinclair seniors said "terminal signs not required at those locations" when asked who Seniors were stated Dr Sinclair.
When asked why he did not go to HCC he said he asked HCC employee who attended as liaison with camera partnership.

I would like to call for Dr Marion Sinclair's (check spelling?) resignation as head of Hampshire Safety Camera Partnership as the evidence revealed that she was informed of signing errors and ignored them. allowing innocent motorists to be wrongly prosecuted in their greedy hunt for £60 fixed penalties. She failed to ensure accurate prosicutions.

It is quite clear that hundreds of innocent motorists have been caught up in their sloppy setting up of a money grabbing speed camera route.

District judge Gillibrand dismissed the cases as the offence never occurred as the limit did not start. Therefore repeater signs could not repeat the limit.

The safetey camera partnership have continued to enforce an limit that is improperly signed despite being told by thier own police officers and receiving a detaild defence report 11 months ago. They have convicted motorists that were not guilty knowingly.

Does malfeasance in public office not still carry the option of a custodial sentence? She's more of a ciminal than 99.9% of speeders!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 18:50 
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richard bentley sugested the same offence today, and none of the 4 solicitors in his presence corrected him... so yes
any yes it does cary a jail term
The Department of Transport clerk who gave
the names and addresses of those whose cars had been seen going into a guinea pig farm to animal
rights activists was jailed for malfeasance in public office. That was only possible because he was an
established civil servant.

I think RB said it carried a life sentence :twisted:

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 08:08 

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i look forward with interest to thursdays a27 eastern way case.

I got done on it on the 25th of september. :oops:

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 14:55 
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Ohgreat is officially the luckiest bugger in Hampshire. District Judge decided it was nonsense that cars traveling next to each other could be guilty and innocent of speeding.
the judge also ruled that the speed limit terminal signs were 53m in the wrong location over Delme roundabout on the m27 spur leading to eastern way. It was also noted that the summonses were all for eastern way when the offences if they had occurred were on the m27 spur.

he roasted HCC over their signing, he roasted the camera partnership over the way they ignored PC Harrison when he said signing was wrong and then he roasted the motorists some of which were 30mph over the invalid limit.

he stressed he was not anti speed and he takes part in motor sport and he also lost a brother to a dangerous speeding driver 10 years ago.

The law is there to prevent chaos on the roads, he does not want chaos and there for has to uphold the law. In this case he feels people who were speeding were fools but the signage was not lawful and created a level of chaos. There fore all motorists today were found not guilty

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 15:05 
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Safe Speed issued the follwoing PR at 13:46:

PR551: 14 acquitted of speeding at Portsmouth Magistrates

news: for immediate release

This week 14 test cases in Portsmouth Magistrates Court were all found 'not
guilty' of speeding due to improper speed limit signing. Many more motorists
may have been wrongfully convicted and may ask for their cases to be re-opened.

Paul Smith, founder of, said: "The speed limit signing was
sloppy. It didn't meet the regulations. It is right and proper that no one
should be convicted of exceeding a speed limit that isn't correctly signed."

"We hear that the local authority and the camera partnership were informed of
the deficiencies in the speed limit signage, but carried on enforcing anyway.
Perhaps they thought that they were above the law?"

"Any motorist who was convicted or paid a fixed penalty at these locations
during the period of faulty signage will be entitled to a refund. Anyone who
suffered financially will be entitled to compensation."

"Speed limit enforcement has become a ridiculous game of cat and mouse with the
authorities attempting to trap motorists and motorists attempting to avoid the
traps. The tragedy is that road safety has been completely forgotten by both

"Driving too fast is dangerous - but the speed limit doesn't tell us what 'too
fast' is we need to make a judgement based on the conditions for that."


Paul Smith
Our scrap speed cameras petition got over 28,000 sigs
The Safe Speed campaign demands a return to intelligent road safety

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 17:58 
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Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 19:13 

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Unfortunately this does not set a precedent, for the 'envelope of limit' to be used elsewhere as a defence, the CPS would have to appeal and a Higher Court decide creating case law.

At a recent (heartbreaking £8000 costs) Appeal a Crown Court Judge (recorder) ruled the 'envelope' argument inadmissable, 2 of 5 entrances to the limit where incorrectly signed, the cop gave evidence of the direction of travel (passing compliant signs).

I wholly agree with the DJ that 2 drivers side by side at the same speed, should be considered legally equal, it is better X No. guilty men go free than 1 innocent man...

DJ Gillibrand should be nominated for a Law Lord!

Have any cases not allied to these 'test cases' slipped thru the net and been convicted recently, in time to lodge an Appeal to the Crown Court, it would require some twisted legal thinking for a Crown Court Judge to overide the DJ's ruling in a case at the same site, when presented with the same evidence and the DJ's opinion.

If the envelope is enshrined in case law, I know of £1m refund possibility, (and an individual getting £8000+ back).

Well done to all those involved,
but for the 'public interest' I hope the CPS/HCC try an Appeal.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 20:14 

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has anyone got the exact dates that the a27 eastern way signs were wrong?

i got done on this road on the 26th september 2007 and just wondered if this case would help me?

Last edited by ohgreat on Thu Oct 11, 2007 22:06, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 20:43 
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The signs have been incorrect for three years or more and are still incorrect.
take your time with any paperwork

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 20:59 

Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2007 07:59
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anton wrote:
The signs have been incorrect for three years or more and are still incorrect.
take your time with any paperwork

thats fantastic news!!!!

all i have done so far is fil sent off the nip as it arrived in his name, so will get an nip soon in my name.

i havent got a clue what to do after that though!!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 21:37 

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ohgreat wrote:

i havent got a clue what to do after that though!!

Perhaps a little chat with Barry Culshaw!


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 21:47 

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fatboytim wrote:
ohgreat wrote:

i havent got a clue what to do after that though!!

Perhaps a little chat with Barry Culshaw!


im not made of money!!!!!

it would cost me a fortune, im trying to scrape together the £60 for the fine as it is!!

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 03:10 
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bbc solent at 1hr 2 min ... coe_solent ... ... illion.php

and should be on bbc south news at 18:30
me and mr best filmed from the "crime scene"

Report by Jon Reeve
SPEED camera bosses are bracing themselves for a revolt by drivers after a landmark court verdict ruled that limits Hampshire's roads are not legally enforceable

Experts say the judge's decision to throw out 14 test cases against motorists allegedly
Caught speeding opens the door to thousands of motorists to claim their fines back.

It has been estimated that the blunder could cost up to £20m.
District Judge Philip Gillibrand decid¬ed that simple errors in the way signs were positioned meant the speed limits essen¬tially had no hacking in law.
Legal specialists who uncov¬ered the failings say they have seen the same mistakes time and time again across the county, which they described as "a signing disaster zone".
Last night Hampshire's Safer Roads Partnership insisted that despite the judge's ruling, il believes the signs are fine and refused to rule out contin¬uing to issue penalties in the affected areas.
Will 1,000s of fines now have to be repaic after court ruling
See pages S&7

Photo on steps
COURT VICTORY: Some of the M people whose cases were thrown out together with expert witness Richard Bentley, right. Left to right at back, Tony Seaton and Matthew Bailey, middle Stephen Mungroo, and Stuart Best. Left, a camera unit on the A27.

Why were the speeding cases thrown out?
The cases related to several sections of the A27 in and around Fareharn. and a lack of correct signs to notify motorists of the speed limits.
At the Delme Roundabout there is a lack of signs for people travelling west up the slip road to join Eastern Way, meaning they might not know the limit on the road.
A lack of proper signs was found on Wallinglon Way, Wellington Shore Road and East Street, all making the limit unenforceable for motorists coming from any of those directions.
The law states a limit is only valid if il applies to all motorists, and because offi¬cers positioned further along the road had no way of telling where cars had come from, they could not legally convict anyone lor speeding along that stretch of road.
Similar problems were found at Station Roundabout.
They were also identified at the Titchfield Gyratory where East Street joins the A27, and al the nearby junction of Southampton Hill and Southampton Road, as well as the junction of Ranvilles Lane and The Avenue.

MILLIONS Of pounds of fines could have to be refunded after a landmark ruling found several speed limits on Hamp¬shire's roads are not legally enforce¬able.
Experts say a judge's decision yesterday opens the door to thousands of motorists to claim their money back, but that could be just the tip of the ice¬berg.
District Judge Philip Gillibrand yesterday dis¬missed the last of 14 test cases against motorists allegedly caught speeding along the A27 in and around Fareham.
He ruled that simple errors in the way signs were positioned meant the speed limits essentially had no backing in law.
By Jon Reeve
Legal experts who uncov¬ered the failings say they have seen the same mis¬takes time and time again across the county, which they described as "a sign¬ing disaster zone".
Judge Gillibrand urgent¬ly called on the county council to put right the signs across Hampshire to avoid future cases being thrown out in the same way
But last night the Hampshire's Safer Roads Partnership insisted that despite his ruling, it believes the signs arc fine and refused to rule out con¬tinuing to issue penalties in the effected areas.
"The SRP is naturally dis¬appointed with the deci¬sion of the court about a site where we believe the signing to be adequate," said a spokesman, adding the partnership is now waiting for details of the ruling before deciding on its next action.
The expert witness whose report uncov¬ered the signage defi¬ciencies blasted the statement as •'amaz¬ing".
"How can they say that when the judge has made a ruling?" said Richard Bentley, a former policeman who campaigns for the cor¬rect enforcement of speed limits.
"All they are trying to do is damage limita¬tion. They would have the public believe those limits will still attract a conviction when Judge Gillibrand has found himself bound by law to say the law prohibits anyone being convict¬ed.
"They should just pay-the money back to everyone they have fined illegally"
In making his judgment at Portsmouth Magistrates' Court, Judge Gillibrand revealed his frustra¬tion at the errors that led to the failure of the prosecutions.
"It is regrettable that this week has hap¬pened," he said.
"It has taken a great deal of court time; it has cost the taxpayers thousands of pounds in public funds, and for what I ask myself?
"From any common
sense point of view any motorist that proceeds past the 40mph speed limit with a camera sign below in excess of that speed limit is a fool and asking for points to be placed on their license.
"I am here to uphold the law and the laws are there to prevent chaos, but speed limits have to be certain and apply to all motorists.
'"Ensuring there is an enforceable speed limit must be a priority.
"I know money is tight, but the issue is too impor¬tant.
"If the law is going to be enforced it is up to Hampshire County Coun¬cil to get the signs right, as a matter of urgency, or this court is going to be in the same situation again."
Judge Gillibrand also expressed horror that the problems had even been pointed out to the partner¬ship by an experienced traffic police officer.
The court heard he was told not to worry and to carry on issuing penalties.
"PC Harrison warned of the difficulties in this case and his warnings were ignored, and ignored to the cost of the county," said the judge.
Mr Bentley said the prob¬lems have still not been rectified, despite his detailed report being served as part of the defense case more than a year ago.
"For the sake of a few thousand pounds it could now cost the county coun¬cil millions of pounds to remedy and compensate," he said, "It may be staffing, it may be financial constraints because they want to do something else with the money, but the state of signing in this county is appalling.
"You just have to look anywhere and you will find the law has not been correctly followed.
"You have to ask why, because these are professional bodies who employ professional people and have free access to the greatest expertise in the country, hut they still get it wrong.
"It is not rocket science, it is as simple as copying a picture from a book."

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

Last edited by anton on Fri Oct 12, 2007 18:54, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 13:48 
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hcc statement to radio solent
The district judge ruled that because, at some side roads in particular, a number of signs were not precisely in place as required by the regulations, the speed limit regime as a whole wasn’t enforceable.
The County Council listened carefully to what the district judge had to say and will study his report so that we can decide, with the Safer Roads Partnership, exactly what action is required in relation to the signage.

We will endeavour to put right any discrepancies as soon as practicable, although we will need to investigate the reasons why the signage was not as prescribed in the regulations in the first place - there may be good safety or visibility reasons.

SARETTE MARTIN Media Communications Manager (Environment), Hampshire County Council

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
This approach has been endorsed by Attorney General ever since 1951. CPS Code

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 14:22 
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Last night Hampshire's Safer Roads Partnership insisted that despite the judge's ruling, still believes the signs are fine and refused to rule out contin¬uing to issue penalties in the affected areas.
Will 1,000s of fines now have to be repaic after court ruling
See pages S&7

I am amazed at that.
Who do these people think they are?[/b]

Oct 11 Birmingham Half Marathon. I am running for the British Heart Foundation.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 16:08 

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ree.t wrote:
Who do these people think they are?

Arrogant. Self righteous. Always correct, even when the law says they are wrong.

We've had many a discourse with these people at first hand. We know what they are like.

Question - what is the difference between God and a scam partnership representative?!?

Answer - God doesn't think he's a scam partnership representative.

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