I feel that I have friends in you all and this is so comforting.
The funeral was recorded (not great quality) but it is a record.
If you wish for a copy or ? then this can be arranged, however my thoughts are for a southern SafeSpeed Gathering and perhaps show the funeral then, so the 100's of people that could not attend, may be able to pay their respects at this time ? What do you all think?
I also thought that it may give people the opportunity to focus on the future too.
The local BBC are going to try & look out all the recordings they have. They are shocked & amazed.
A local newspaper in Norfolk, rang on the friday, and wanted Safe Speed's opinion about their drivers, so I gave him the 100 word Highway Code, and told him that if they all learned and used it then their roads would be safe. It seemed a bit unreal at the time, but I am sure Paul would have been proud of me.
I briefly met with Jamie Stone (works with John Thurso), my local MP, who knew Paul (we know the family anyway), and apart from being utterly shocked & saddened by the sad news, he is going to start hunting down publishers.
I know that we need to sort out the information to collate into a book.
So a 'writer/editor' will be needed. Then there is the money to produce it.
I know just about every aspect of SS and all Paul's driving for safety points. However what I fall back on is all the research that Paul did and learned. I can learn it to, in time, and can then couple to two but it will take time.
And as you have all very correctly guessed, money is a very big issue.
Regarding Estate issues, Paul had very little when he died. I have seen the Bank, and everything is on hold. But as it is so little they believe that they can (just!) send me a cheque. I have yet to sort out the Paypal account. I will do this later.
I have a Paypal account :
(for the moment)
So that you all know - I am an animator / animation director. Paul & I had always hoped to produce a cd/dvd about 'real driving' where he did the words & I did the animation / pictures. I can easily produce images for a published book to illustrate the points (prob 3d in style). I recall taking hours with Paul, about how to express the 'regression to the mean' scenario.
I tried to help Paul with how to lay out the website, and although it helped him, guess what, he 'did it his way'
Whilst I know that he died doing what he loved, and in a far nicer way than being in hospital, which he was not looking forward to one bit, I shall miss him, so terribly much, words totally fail me.
I know that you will all too of course, as he had made many, many excellent friends and aquaintances.
Some of you that have called that I have told the news to directly, I know will miss him terribly to. He had so much to give and gave so willingly.
We will never know the true number, of lives that he has saved from all the work that he has already done, but I shall try my best to promote what he has done, and see what I (with your help) can do to continue finding the figures, showing the errors, and the promotion of those faults.
I LOVE driving, and as I drove late last night, back to my friends, the moon lit up the blanket of white that covers everything at the moment. It was wonderful. The roads were clear and my car felt good as I found my apex and powered along the clear open straights. I know that Paul is with me as I feel him by my side and speaking in my ear.
I am sure that he wants me to tell you, that he misses you all, but he did what he could & his body let him down, now it is a new chapter, he has laid down a motorway of a track, and it is up to us to now put the car in gear and go for it.
I have every intention of doing so, I hope that you will join me.
My love to you all for all the fabulous comforting words, and the flowers and cards.