Cooler wrote:
ed_m wrote:
sounds like common courtesy to me.
if you're not overtaking and there's room in L1, why stay out in L2 ?
Well, the simple answer is that I don't like getting boxed in behind trucks on a busy motorway. On a long trip I can spend a long time waiting to get back out again, because of all the other cars hogging - wait for it - the middle lane.
Well in that case you're not really what I'd call a middle lane moron. While I deplore lane-hogging which is done with the express intention of impeding and "policing" others, or for no reason whatsoever, there are arguably reasons why some drivers would sometimes wish to remain in the middle lane on today's crowded motorways. It's not ideal but there's no reason why you should box yourself in and lengthen your journey time either.
As long as you observe, don't stay in the middle lane any longer than necessary (e.g. move over if there's a long gap in L1), and don't have an overly self-righteous attitude towards others, no-one's really got a right to get upset with you. This having to stay in the middle lane so as not to get boxed in is just one more symptom of the overcrowded motorways that we have in this country (and, as you say, the problem is exacerbated by other middle-lane dwellers, not all of whom are doing it for the right reasons).
See this page (written by our own PeterE) for a balanced and interesting discussion:
I do see plenty of examples of ridiculous lane-hogging (try
here), and I would say that lane-hogging causes somewhat more of a problem than Peter says there (and it doesn't take many "bad" lane-hoggers to hold up a lot of people when it's busy), but neither is it always inexcusable by any means. Those who do deliberately and unnecessarily impede the progress of others, however, should be dealt with
very strictly IMHO. They don't deserve to share the roads with others if they're going to act like such petulant self-righteous little shits. People like this should be forcibly re-educated, and failing that, banned (and no, I wasn't surprised that it was a Rover either):
One of the cycling forum-connected troublemakers on this site (probably the worst that we currently have) is an example of such a moron. He freely admits to lane-hogging in order to impede others and for no other reason. What a twit. We shouldn't have to share the roads (or anything for that matter) with those who have a psychological need to feel good by making others feel bad. At best these "impedophiles"
are extremely irritating and cause unnecessary delays; at worst, they cause safety problems, both by posing an additional hazard, and resulting in possible road rage. (Which gives the lie to any dishonest claims that they're "trying to make people safer by stopping them speeding", but we knew that anyway.)
Paul Smith: a legend.
"The freedom provided by the motor vehicle is not universally applauded, however: there are those who resent the loss of state control over individual choice that the car represents. Such people rarely admit their prejudices openly; instead, they make false or exaggerated claims about the adverse effects of road transport in order to justify calls for higher taxation or restrictions on mobility." (
Conservative Way Forward:
Stop The War Against Drivers)