On motorway patrol the other day, parked at my usual spot one early Tuesday evening, my attention was drawn to an Audi being driven at nearly 100 mph. The road was quiet, conditions good and he was not displaying any aggression.
But 100mph!!!!........
So I sit behind him and monitor his drive.
He uses his lanes correctly, although he could possibly use lane one a bit more often, but no one behind is coming into conflict.
I catch up to 600m behind. Its just past full daylight, but my dipped beams will neatly conceal my identity at this distance.
Ahhh, he's doing 90 to 95, perhaps not as much as I'd originally thought. Nevermind, let's keep going. Aha, he's coming up behind a car in lane three. What's he going to do here?
Mmmm... he's giving him nearly 2 seconds gap and there's obviously no obstruction ahead. But wait, is he flooring it now that he has got past the driver who was in lane three?
Well, he may have added a few mph to get past, but he's back at 90 to 95.
Time to pull up behind this driver, although I haven't quite got to the bridge where I switch off my vascar. What's this?! He's slowing down.
Guess he could have seen me, but despite him slowing down to about 75 I've still got him on average 91.35 mph over 2.5 miles.
Time to get him stopped.
That's it, over you go lad, into the hard shoulder nice and easy, hazards on, tuck in to the left of the hard shoulder, good lad.
Over I go to the car and invite him to sit in mine, which he does.
Conversation is something like;
Q Now then, do you have any idea why I've asked you to stop?
R I'm guessing it's going to be my speed.
Q Do you have any idea what speed you were doing?
R No, Not really, but I was concentrating on the situation around me, driving safely.
Q You were doing an average of 91 mph over 2 and a half miles, perhaps nearer 95 for a significant part of it. You slowed down for the last 600 metres or so of the check.
R I didn't realise you were behind for so long. As soon as I saw you in my mirror I slowed down.
Q Do you feel under any pressure from work to use your driving time to shorten the journey?
R Yes a little, but I have long since decided that a safe approach to driving is the most important aspect. If I can put a few miles per hour on when it's safe to do so, I will. I think most people will.
Q Have you any points on your licence?
R Yes 6, Oh no, only 3, the other three have now expired - (Shows me the licence)
Q How did you get them?
R You guessed it.... speeding.
Q Cameras?
R No, I always spot them and trim my speed, no, it's you boys who catch me unawares.
I then check insurance etc. All in order.
Q Oh, the reason I stopped you......
You've got a tail light out.
R Thanks officer.
Was I right? Was I wrong?
I was mightily impressed by this lad's honesty and awareness of safety while driving. There was nothing about his driving which caused me concern. I'd prefer him to be driving at less than 85, but that's nit picking. I saw other motorists that deserved and got their three points that evening. I don't think this lad deserved it.