great replies, I can only support further training/refreshers or advanced training and have a lot of respect for someone who is willing to do it. I still do it today. Gonna give you some waffle but bear with me to the end....
Ive been a qualified driving and maintainance instructor on every licence group (except road roller) in the past.taught advanced on two licence groups,done VIP driving course and been operational in that role,Im a lapsed member of IAM and ROSPA, Ive trained people off road, Ive dabbled in racing/rallying and stunting, My main civilian job was trucking also instructing and some crash assesment and reporting(for others!
)in work and out of main job part time instructing accumulating over 100,00 miles pa using 3 veh types and Driven in 10 countries and Rode in 5. Ive entered driving comps and bike comps and been successful in both (one bike comp with over thousand entering multi disciplines over 6 month period involving IAM,POLICE,M/Cross,Race track,Theory where I finished joint 2nd overall 3rd on count back) Ive assisted on track days, Ive given free further training after test to some, I hold a CPC and I also hold an up to date instructors cert(bike) I have also spent a lot of time burried in the theory of all things over many years.
The reason for all this BS is...
I STILL DONT THINK IM ANYTHING SPECIAL! And the only reason I can achieve/maintain or exceed standards I have achieved in the past is because in the last 30 yrs Ive been on countless Observed rides with Police or others, Done countless track days,re-taken instructors courses by choice to hone and update, regularily self test my own personal capabilities, re-taken bike test by choice,Done well above average mileage pos on bike alone, Drive and Ride deliberately in wet/cold/icy conditions to hone those skills ( not simply getting caught out in it)
Its because I recognise that if you allow the 'Think you know' virus to overwhelm you , thats when you run the risk of inviting error into your life in a big way. Practice makes perfect as they say, how much practice does the average road user do? Apart from habitual memory use the majority from the moment they pass their test do very very little if any, but they 'Think they know' an awful lot.Which is why Im doing another track day next week and going on observed ride with a pal of mine who is well qualified, and Im doing this because of a couple of minor errors I recognised creeping in to my usual behavior, so Im going to sharpen up.
So this is why Im impressed when someone makes the effort when they dont have to.marrk