But they didn't need billions to buy supercomputers to do forecasting for the next 50 years (when they cannot get it right for next week yet)
But they didn't need to constantly get "research grants" to pay the wages (and the next soiree to warmer climates to debate ... warmer climate)
But they didn't constantly need to be in the public eye (as opposed to being up the publics rrrrrrrrrr's) to bolster their "reputation" (built upon stony ground) (and wet ground now) (when climate change is supposed to guarantee dry ground) (or wet ground) (or hot,dry ground).
In fact, looking at the hive of activity surrounding the CRU after this weeks little "humdinger" by, presumably, a member of their own staff, one wonders how they can get their reputation back into high-gear (still happily reading through all the emails)
In fact, faced with the "warmist" dumbo's happily telling everyone that everything to do with CO2 is going to have to be used less and be more expensive, and then wondering why people are rapidly getting the message that climate change prevention is more to do with power accretion, I am wondering when they will change the "climate change" to "you bunch of ungrateful tossers need to be told to obey your betters"
And now they're going to change your mind:
However, these principles are a
first step to using sophisticated
behaviour change modelling and
comprehensive evidence from
around the world to change
attitudes towards climate change.
We need to think radically, and
the Rules of the Game are a sign
that future campaigns will not be
‘business as usual’. This is a truly
exciting moment.