blademansw wrote:
byny wrote:
Hi there - sorry I am not too sure what you mean by this - I overtake at an legal speed and I am aware of what the other traffic is doing. I then move back into the inside lane.
Ever seen a left hand drive lorry suddenly pull out on someone? I have, and its very scary. You can drive defensively, but during high traffic flow you may well not have anywhere to move to (due to a stream of autobahn expresses in the right hand lane). Therefore, sometimes the only feasible option would be to accelerate through the danger zone in much the same way as when performing a normal overtake on a single carriageway. Stretching on from that, would you exceed the NSL when overtaking on a single carriageway?
I personally am aware of every vehicle that can threaten me or impede my safe progress. Can the same be said of other drivers fiddling with their CD players, phones, Sat Navs, or just half asleep on autopilot?
I've seen (and even had a few near misses myself) from cars, trucks (regardless of left hand or right hand drive) not checking their blind spots and changing lane into the position occupied by another vehicle. One time involved a caravan 100 yards or so in front of me which then danced merrily around the carriageway and took several adjacent vehicles out with it as it broke up!
All these incidents have happened whilst travelling at or under the 70mph speed limit. I have yet to see an accident occur when conditions allow speeds of 80 or 90 - these are just the sort of conditions that result in many NIPs generated by the speed camera partnerships!
It is high time that the law was reviewed. Certainly an 80mph limit on the motorway would be a step in the right direction where appropriate. Perhaps even 90 in places. Coupled with this use of the media to educate drivers on good driving practices (a properly set limit should be the maximum speed to aim for). Currently this won't happen due to the anti-car stance of the government who want to tax and fine us every which way!!
I do a lot of driving - both professionally and for pleasure. I would not be here if I subscribed to dangerous or careless driving.
May this protest gain strength! Look at what the French accomplish!